Monday, February 28, 2022

Book Review - The Heart of the Storm - By Sharon Mentyko - Publication Date: 1 March 2022


This motivational biography of Sue Bird, a most accomplished women's professional basketball player, is a great read for children. The splashes of colorful pages of pictures of Sue and her teammates in action will keep the readers turning those pages with eager interest.  Added lure is to discover which is Sue's T-shirt number.  I believe that young readers will be inspired by this story especially if they themselves are lovers of anything sports' orientated.

From young, Sue Bird tried many sports but found her passion and  niche in basketball. Despite challenges and setbacks, Sue persevered, setting her sights on the WNBA and the Olympics.  As this book is termed, "Growing Greatness,"  I imagine Sue's story would instill the idea that it takes time to grow great at what one wishes to achieve in life.  Time, effort, mindset, patience and persistance combine to create a more positive potential cornucopia of dreams come true, as  they did for Sue.

The Addenda at book's end reveal Sue Bird's accomplishments and awards and a timeline of women's professional basketball opportunities intertwined with Sue's highlights over the years.  They are followed by a useful glossary of basketball terminology.  Besides basketball, it's been notated that Sue has zeal for other things such as for the Black and LGBTQ1A+ communities' causes.

                                            ~Eunice C.,  Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                            January 2022

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the complimentary copy given by NetGalley and the publisher.

Read review in Goodreads.

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