Friday, September 3, 2021

Prayer - Where is Your God?


Heavenly Father, God...when men ask, "Where is Your God?" we can confidently reply,

"Our God is in the heavens..." (Psalm 115:3 ESV).

What's more, we can continue,

"...He does all that He pleases" (Psalm 115:3 ESV)

They may counter-question, "And what exactly is that?"

Oh boy!  That's just the question we were waiting for!  We tell of all the blessings, and help You have given us over the years, and of our relationship with You.

What's more, in contrast to the idols of silver and gold which cannot see, hear, speak, feel or smell; we know Your eyes are upon us watching out for us.  Your ears are ever open to our cry and Your mouth is ever ready to reply.  In addition to that, Your Word leads and guides us and Your hand is not shortened that it cannot save ( Isaiah 59:1 KJV).

Add on to that again, You are holding us in Your hand and no one can snatch us out of it (John 10:28-30 NIV).  We can "feel" the comfort and security of that.  You walk beside us every step of the way, 

"leading us to safety, so we do not fear" (Psalm 78:53).

The more we trust in You and stay by Your side of love and compassion, justice and righteousness, the more we will become like You, through our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Abiding in Him (John 15:4).

So we put our trust in You and You are our shield and help.  May we ever fear You, Heavenly Father, and draw near to You, walking in Your ways.  We thank You for the blessings we have through Jesus, for any of Your children, whether young or old.

You are our great and mighty LORD of the Heavens and we thank You for the earth You have given to us children of men (Psalm 115: 15 & 16 ESV).  May our earthly walk be pleasing in Your sight as we win souls for Your treasure house; and as we care for all Your creatures and earth's environment in our several ways of so doing in our niche, or niches of the earth.  

May each of us who know Who You are, where You are and who fear You, be able to boldly answer well, those who ask, "Where is Your God?"

Then confident reply,

 "My God is alive and living in Heaven and in my heart through Jesus Christ and His indwelling Holy Spirit.  He has eyes, which see; ears, which hear; a mouth, which speaks to me.  My God has a nose which smells the sweet incense of the burnt offerings of my life, which comes from the sacrifice of purity and holiness (being holy as You are Holy, Father [Leviticus 11:44 & 1 Peter 1:15-17]).  Further to that, He has feet, which walk with us and hands, which hold us!"

This is my God and I fear only Him.  My God is in Heaven and all is well with my soul.  Your children thank You, Father, for being there for us.  Our faith and hope are in You.  In Jesus' Name we give You thanks and praise.

                                                         ~ERC  April 2021~

Based on Psalm 115:1-18 ESV.

Sing, It is Well with My Soul, along with, Audrey Assad.

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