Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Prayer - Call Upon the LORD

 Isn't it amusing, at least when it is not "in the moment," to hear someone who is being bullied, say, "I'm going to get my Dad, or big brother, or uncle to get you..."?  The verse I read just now from Psalm 118, reminded me of such a scenario.

"The LORD is on my side; I will not fear.  What can man do to me" ( vs 6)?

These are words which have great power and true "threat" behind them.  The LORD is our sure Protector and the One to bring intervention on His children's behalf!

Look at what the psalmist said next...

"The LORD is on my side as my helper; I shall look in triumph on those who hate me" (vs 7).

When we are harassed, goaded or outhright attacked, we can boldly say, 

"The LORD is on my side..."

We can call upon Him as it is better,

"...to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man" (vs 8).

So often we go to 'man' first.  

The Lord is so good to us and He and His steadfast love endure forever.  Mankind fails and fails often even when he does try to be faithful.

Who would you put your trust in?  One who never fails, or one who often fails?

The choice is yours.

Father God, it is so satisfying to know You are on our side; we your children through faith in Jesus Christ.  We can trust in You and we do not need to fear what men can and does do, to us, Your children.  It is easy to say this but firmly implant Your words into our minds and hearts that You never fail.  You are always on our side and we can trust in You, always.  By contrast, remind us that mankind, although You may use another human being to help us, does fail intentionally or unintentionally.

Fix our trust on You. Then we leave the results up to You. We know You love us and only do what is good for us; even if it is painful.  Your will be done.  We give You thanks.  You are good and Your steadfast love endures forever.

May we always call upon You, our LORD and God.  In Jesus' name we pray and trust.

                                                          ~ERC May 2021~

Based on Psalm 118:1-29 ESV especially vs 6-8, 28-29.

Sing, Whom Shall I Fear, along with Chris Tomlin.

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