Saturday, September 25, 2021

Prayer - All Afflictions Stopped


LORD, yes, You did give the Promised Land to the Children of Israel.  They made a mess of things though and Zion Jerusalem became a laughing stock and was greatly afflicted.  Like Esau, they did not value their "birthright" until it was too late.  Evenutally You brought a remnant back and they rejoiced for a time.  Much later, after Jesus had come to live among men and then had gone back to be with You in Heaven, Jerusalem was once again leveled.

Over the course of time it has been a place of unrest.  During the 1967 six-day war, "Israel was regained".  There are still so many squabbles and literal "tugs-of-war" over that place where You have once dwelt.

Even as I write, it saddens me and what's more, no doubt, saddens You, to see the turmoil that threatened evictions and so on, produce.  Oh, how the place needs Your intervention, once again.  How long, Oh LORD?  

"Cut the cords of the wicked" (vs 4).

Many hate Zion, and like to blame them for the unrest.  Sometimes Zion is the one stirring the pot; sometimes, others.  So we long for Your peace and righteousness to not just hover, but "to be" upon the whole region.

One day, we know Jesus will touch down and make permanent peace and administer perfect justice and dispense righteousness throughout the land.

How we long for that day to happen!

May all who then enter and/or pass by say,

"The blessing of the LORD be upon you!  We bless you in the name of the LORD" (vs 8)!

My, oh my LORD, that will be a welcome switch!  What a contrast.  All afflictions stopped.  Peace reigning.  Sing it out.

"Come, LORD Jesus!"

We ask all this in the wonderful name of Jesus.

                                                         ~ERC  May 2021~

Based on Psalm 129:1-8 (ESV)

Sing, Zion, along with Aaron Shust

NOTE:  Yes, I realize that we followers of Jesus Christ will be raptured prior to Jesus' touching down on Mt. Zion and reigning on Earth.  I believe one can still pray for that day to happen though as that means we will have been 'raptured' and we would then be with Him and reigning with Him; and there will be that longed-for peace.

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