Friday, September 10, 2021

Prayer - Praise the LORD Again and Again

 The cry of the heart of the psalmist was for all nations and peoples to praise and extol You, LORD!  We look at the state of the world now and see its chaos, its gargantuan mess politcally.  One country against another, verbally and medically - national leaders worldwide, still milking the situation for all its worth, stabbing each other politically, to boot, at the huge cost of human suffering and lives.

Oh Lord, let Your steadfast love and faithfulness blanket the world, so these writhing multitudes will turn and seek You and come to praise You.  They desparately need you.  Come to them in dreams and visions since Your servants cannot get to them physcially, hands-on; especially to the poor and needy nations teeming with such populations, who can't help themselves very well.

Your hand, oh Lord, is not shortened that it cannot save, and nothing is impossible for You.  Indeed, let the Earth rejoice and praise the LORD!  Praise the Lod again and again.

In Jesus name we pray and praise.

                                                        ~ERC May 2021~

Based on Psalm 117:1-2 ESV

Sing, The Steadfast Love of the Lord Never Ceases, along with Dave Hunt

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