Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Book Review - Demystifiying Disability - By Emily Ladau - Publication Date: 7 September 2021

 This is a much needed book, educating nondisabled people in how to relate to and treat, disabled people with greater respect and decent humanity.  Emily Ladau, the author, is a disabled person. She really would like us to know these basics and I really appreciate her candid, almost, "in your face" approach to her informing.  We do need to be jolted out of our patronizing, hurtful ways, even if we have been unintentional in causing offense and embarassment to the disabled we meet in any given day or way.  

Ladau's do's and don't's have been very helpful in regards to which terminology is better; awareness of how ableist a nondisabled person can be; of creating more accessibility for the disabled people; to learn to respect and see each person, as a person and not as their disability, although that does need to be taken into account; and so on.  I have certainly gleaned a lot to cogitate upon and to "do better" by putting it into practice for the long-haul.

Included in this book are lists of books, films, online videos, and hashtags.  These resource suggestions,  aid in the instruction of the rights and treatment of the disabled.   Understanding leads to insight which leads to better response as a way of life.  Ladau tells of the podcast she co-hosts, which furthers this awareness and is another way to learn more.  A helpful index of key words used finishes up the addenda.

                                             ~Eunice C. Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                           August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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