Thursday, September 23, 2021

Dear Old Jonah

 Dear old Jonah, Lord, what a strong-willed and angry child of God he was!  A prophet, no less; and maybe You even cringe some, at me bringing this up to You.  Know this, Father God, that I'm so glad his story has been told and included in Your Scriptures which are able to make us wise - if we heed them.

Ironic that  Jonah had to tell the story himself!  

What do you call that, poetic justice?

A most unwilling prophet, yet there are some like that today.  Given the message to "go into all the world and preach the gospel" of salvation through Jesus Christ; sent, "to go," but reluctant 'go-ers'.

Jonah, although he eventually repented and did give You thanksgiving in the big fish's belly, went with Your message of impending judgment You gave him to deliver, he still wasn't very happy about it.  He wasn't very grateful or full of joy at the mercy You showed him; definitely not at the merciful stayng of Your hand upon the repentant Ninevites.  In fact, he was...

 "exceedingly displeased" (Jonah 4:1 ESV)!

The Ninevites' weeping repentance turned into joy and these "sheaves" You still mercifully allowed Jonah to seemingly "harvest"!  What a disgruntled man!  Even at Your mercy and the saving of so many lives; human and animal, alike, he grumbled and complained and was exceedingly angry.

What more us, nowadays.  May we joy in You our God, and sing of Your love and mercy, even when directed upon our enemies, who in turn, repent.  Replace our anger, with songs of repentant joy and thankfulness and restoration as we "bring our sheaves" with us (Psalm 126).

In Jesus' Name we ask.

                                                        ~ERC  May 2021~

Read the book of Jonah and Psalm 126

See also, Prayer - Restored Fortunes & Harvest

Sing, We Joy In Our God.

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