Saturday, September 25, 2021

Prayer - Dove in Pro-Active Stance

Heavenly Father, peace and blessing be unto You.  You have 

"commanded blessing and life forevemore" (Psalm 133:3) 

upon Zion.  Sounds like a wonderful command!

It is also a wondeful "song of ascents," as we imagine David gathering together with all the people in his kingdom of Israel, headed to the place of Zion where Your presence dwelt among them.

From each of the tribes the people came.  Each having their own tribal identity, and individual traits.  They came together "in unity" but also "dwelt together in unity".  No wonder David had to put that in psalm song!  Also a good reminder as they sang and gathered from the four winds of the kingdom.

"It was like precious oil" - the anointing oil for prophets, priests and kings.  Of special note, upon, "Aaron's beard;" Aaron the first High Priest of Israel.  He had had to be consecrated and sanctified - "made holy" for his special purpose.  All these, at Your command Father God.

We are reminded that that precious "oil was made of a mixture of myrrh, cassia, cinnamon, cane calamus into olive oil base.  Four ingredients mixed together "in harmony" brought forth holiness; well-pleasing in Your sight.  David appreciated it too as we see in Psalm 133.  He remarked,

"How good and how pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity" ( v 1)!

He equated it to the precious anointing oil, and holiness.

Nothing has changed, Father.  You still love unity and holiness.  When Your saints gather together to read Your word, to pray, to fellowhip and to remember the Lord Jesus Christ in His death each Lord's Day, You still love to see the like-mindedness among Your children.

We are so diverse:  ethnic backgrounds; vocations; again each with their own "free will,"  but when each seeks Your will and the unity of the Holy Spirit You've given each follower of Jesus Christ, it too is like that precious anointing oil that ran down upon Aaron's head, beard, and collar of his robes (vs 2).

In my mind, I see a child stringing pearls.  She placed a single dove-in-flight, (representative of Your Holy Spirit) in the middle so that it would be surrounded by those pearls (Your pearls of "great price"), which would rest on the middle front curve of her neck.

It is exquisite.  It is pleasant and mesmerizing to look at.  It is representative that Your Holy Spirit needs to be allowed pro-active stance among us, putting our individual wills into Yours and be eager to keep and maintain that unity of Spirit to bring blessing upon Your people and a testimony to all who observe.  A glowing testimony of love and good works, and of encouraging one another, in unity and holiness.

We echo David that it is indeed, "good and pleasant".

                                                    ~ERC May 2021~

Based on Psalm 133:1-3 (ESV).

See also Exodus 30; Ephesians 4:3; and Hebrews 10:24-25 (ESV).

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