Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Book Review - Declutter Like a Mother - By Allie Casazza - Publication Date: 7 September 2021

 Allie Casazza pleasantly, yet firmly, exhorts her "cluttered" readers to have method in their "madness" to de-clutter.  Her definition of minimalist (ness) differs from what she believes is the mainstream meaning.  When one has vision or 'setmind' of how one wishes the rooms of their home to look like, then the task of decluttering will be less overwhelming, she reckons.

Casazza gives a room-by-room guide of how-to-do and how-not-to-do the decluttering.  She encourages mothers to include her childen in decision making as she believes in passing better habits on to the next generation.  Oh, and yes, the big one, ideas of how to get the spouse onboard with the plan.

Information about Casazzo podcasts, facebook community, programs and the author herself is included.  To round up her message, the appendix offers sharings by several mothers who'd been at their wits' ends until they found this program and disentangled themselves from "things".  Seems revolutionary and guaranteed to benefit one and all who invest in this 'de-clutter and de-stress program'.

                                             ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                        August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads

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