Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Prayer - His Crown Will Shine

 Father God, as we think over Zion over the past few days and how much 'hot' strife is ongoing, our hearts ache and weep (written in May 2021).  Jesus, while walking those dusty roads, looked out over the city of Jerusalem and also wept.

Oh, how He longed for them to accept Him, the Prince of Peace.  How He longed for them to take shelter under "His Wings".  He knew and also verbally foretold of the destruction of Jerusalem, and wanted them to repent and to come to Him.

Zion is Your 

"desired...dwelling place" (Psalm 132:14 ESV).
  You want to 

"abundantly bless her..." and "satisfy her poor with bread" (vs 15). 
 Like an oft unrepentant child, they did not accept.

Yes, for many years You did dwell there, Your "shekinah" glory.  You did fulfil Your pomise to David, to forever have one of his offspring

 "set on [his] throne" (v 11, 12). 

This is Jesus.

He too was rejected of men.  Some glorious day, though, we know He will come back in His fullness and set His feet once more upon Zion for You have "chosen" it.

True Peace will reign.

We have to give You thanks that those who have accepted Your Son Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, already have that coveted peace in their hearts and minds.  These followers of Jesus Christ will have the glorious priveledge of living and reigning with Him for all eternity.  Words cannot express how euphoric that will be; sounds like a totally exciting prospect!

Peace in our hearts and peace in Zion!  Oh Father, come quickly.

In Jesus' Prince of Peace, most precious and powerful Name, we beseech You.  

We look up to Him whose 

"crown will shine" (vs 18).

                                                       ~ERC  May 2021~

Based on Psalm 132:1-18 (ESV)

Sing, The Holy City - Jerusalem, along with Andre Rieu

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