Monday, September 6, 2021

Book Review - Talala - By Vita Murrow - Publication Date: 7 September 2021


The striking features of this children's book are the fantastic illustrations.  In fact, these artist's impressions compelled me, an adult, to imbibe them before even reading the story!  Very satisfying.  Children will certainly delight in them and eagerly point out the various safari-like animals; some here, and "Oh look, some there too!  What are these?  What are those?" they'll surely ask.  Then they will be lost in them.  Once the pictures "release" the readers, they will see the story unfolds in India's Gir National Park.  They'll follow the wee orphaned leopard cub, Talala, as she roams this wilderness to try and find a safe haven.  She does, in an unusual way....

For those parents who are keen conservationists and wish to teach their children to appreciate and care for nature, this captivating book would be just the thing.

                                            ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                            August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by the publisher.

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