Monday, September 20, 2021

Book Review - Meet Me Under the Kissing Bough - By Josi S. Kipack, Anneka R. Walker, Sarah McConkie - Publication Date: 20 Septeber 2021


Three separate romance stories by three separate, competent authors.  Each story is fashioned around the Christmas season in the 1800's and addresses social issues of classic upper and lower classes and the norms of "keeping to your station in life" and not upsetting the apple cart.  Love will not adhere to such conventions.  

In the first story, Deborah and Phillip must figure it out.  Their happiness vs relatives' and societys' acceptance.  Will they ever be able to openly utilize the Christmas Kissing Bough?

In the second story, a family feud fueled by some unknown catalyst perpetuates its continuance to the present.  A divide keeping loved ones and a budding romance at bay.  The hopefuls, Julia and Esmond, trust that where there's a will there's a way to bridge the gap, especially when they discover some intriquing letters.  It seems hopeless though...even with Christmas kissing boughs hanging about.

In the third scenario, the reader will wonder if Lady Caroline, queen of arrogance, and Mr. Charleston of tattered clothes  but of dignified integrity, will even want to overcome the class divide despite the pull of attraction which strengthens.  One of them will have to mend their ways but will it be enough?  Sarah McConkie, the third author, spins her yarn well, creating a read with great potential to while away an afternoon in pleasant repose; my favorite of the three.

                                               ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                           August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

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