Saturday, September 4, 2021

Lord's Day Devotion - Prayer - I Love You, LORD


You have been so good to us, LORD.  We love You and lift our voices in praise, for You have heard our pleas for mercy and grace.  We will call upon Your name as long as we're blessed to live.

This is our hope.  Keep us ever cleaving to You, O Father God.

When the "snares of death" and pangs of ageing creep and settle in, deliver our souls oh gracious Lord of righteouness and mercy.  Perserve our life 'til then so we may go about doing the good deeds You have ordained for us since before the foundation of this world we, Your children through Jesus, live in.  

You have "dealt bountifully" with us, delivering our souls from the death of destruction in Hell because You offered "the cup of salvation" to each of us through Jesus Christ, Your one and only Son, and His affliction and shedding of His blood upon the cross for our sakes.

We will call upon the Name of the Lord, and offer the sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving and live our lives to please You in the presence of Your people and of those You surround us with who do not yet know You. This until we find ourself in the "courts of the house of the Lord" (v 19) in heavenly places.

We love You, Lord.  Thank-You for first loving me.  We remember the travail for Your soul, Jesus, and pass the broken bread and the cup of wine, each Lord's Day, in remembrance of what Your love accomplished for us.  

In Jesus' most precious name we pray, praise and give grateful thanks.

                                                      ~ERC  April 2021~

Based on Psalm 116:1-19 (ESV).

Sing, I Love You Lord, along with Latria Modern Music.

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