Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Book Review - A Spacious Place - By Ashley Hales - Publication Date: 14 September 2021

Hurry and haste are 

not in good taste.  Slow down and

delight in your Lord.

A greatly beneficial Christian living book!  So thankful for its thoughts and the 'reset' it could bring into a life that is out of control and alignment, or full of frustration or despair.  Reflect on what Ashely Hales has to say and learn that the guardrails of God's limitations in our lives are for our own good.  The old adage, "our disappointments are His-appointments" seems appropo to describe many of the thoughts in this book.  

This is not a book to skim through in "hurry or haste".  Take your time.  Read carefully and delight in the words Hales pens and the thoughts to which she leads the reader.  Discover that "cathedral" where we can find spaciousness even in the limitations with which life underscores us. Meet with God at those roughshod times.  He's there.  Stretch out in His spaciousness He's creating for us all and to which Hales invites on His behalf.  She's been there.  She knows firsthand.

The limitations are invitations from Jesus to learn of the hope resurrection brings; to learn of Him and to draw us to our Heavenly Father which could bring new life and purpose despite losses.  These are His gifts to us, Hales informs.  Do what it takes to pay attention to Him.

Very pointed discussion questions are provided.   They are good to answer for oneself and/or in a group setting.  Acknowledgements and Notes about quotes used, follow.

                                                    ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                             August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by the publisher.

Read bookreview on Goodreads.

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