Saturday, September 18, 2021

Prayer - Escaped Like A Bird


You are in a car, speeding backwards.  It had been shifted into reverse and a supposed light tap on the accelorator turned into a nightmare.  The pedal got stuck and the brakes failed.  No matter how frantically you pumped those brakes, they would not take hold.

The car rushed and hurtled backwards down the steep highway decline at breakneck speed.  Other vchicles sped rightfully up and forward, careening out of your collision-course way.  In great panic and fear, your neck swiveled, owl-like, permanently behind; heart palpatating at equal velocity, racing with your car, your hands clenched in vise-grip upon the steering wheel, maneuvering in desparate attempts to avoid certain tragedy; what do you do?  

What can you do?  

Suddenly you wake up, and with monumental relief, thank the Lord you are safely in bed, and it had only been a dream.

Do you ever feel like that, though?

Thank God our help is in Him.  He is on our side against the enemy who does not have flesh and blood but oft time uses such to get at us.  Our life seems out of control but the wise child of God knows his/her "help comes from the LORD, Who made Heaven and Earth," and He helps us escape "like a bird from the snare of the fowler".

Father God, Life is not a dream but it can be a nightmare and so we lift up our eyes to You for help, being confident that You are on Our side - making it the winning team, against all the evil and anger that threatens to swallow us up.  If it had not been for You, O God, we would have been swept briskly and abruptly away by it all.

Blessed are You, Abba Father.

Our hearts are anchored in You, and in great gratefulness we bless You in the Name of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

                                                          ~ERC  May 2021~

Based on Psalm 124:1-8 (ESV).

Listen to this legend, George Beverly Shea and others, sing Rock of Ages.

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