Tuesday, September 7, 2021

In One Breath


Can you read aloud Ephesians 1:15-21 in one big breath?  It's a challenge as it is all one lengthy sentence.  Even at that, verses 22 and 23 actually seem as if they should be a continuance of those which go before because verse 22 begins with 'and'.  For teachers of English who love good punctuation and grammar, its a feat of written language expertise and not a novice's run-on sentence.

All that aside, the letter writer, the apostle Paul, has jam-packed such a continuance and flow of thought that one must needs take it one jot and tittle, by one jot and tittle, to attempt to grasp some meaning.  This definately cannot be accomplished in one breath!

I love Paul's little tweaks of commendation and assurances; he commends the Ephesians' faith in Jesus Christ and love for all saints and says he doesn't cease to give thanks for them nor forget them in his prayers.

How nice and uplifting to have the assurance of someone, especially such a busy man of God, stop to pray for you.  Do you have such a peson praying for You, at least that you know of?  I used to; my parents but the've gone on to glory.  There ae times now, one feels adrift.  This begs the next question.  Perhaps, itls time now to "pray it forward"; time to be that one to "never cease" to pray for your loved ones or your church congregation assemblage.  What do you think?

Who out therre could use your constant prayers?

Paul was not just praying for mundane things such as smooth journeys for folks going hither and thither on vacation, or for a place to tie ones' donkey at the town market or for good physical health.  No, he goes below the surface - gets at the nitty-gritty to that which is of utmost importance.  I love that he does not cease to do so.  These are his spiritual babies and he is tenderly, yet firmly, caring for their nurture and growth towards their spiritual maturity.

He engages the Trinity on their behalf!  He wants them to have wisdom and revelation for them through the Holy Spirit, to have greater knowledge for Jesus Christ.  Knowledge, understanding, and insight to garner right response; so they "may know the hope" not just 'know about' but to "know the hope" - a first hand on-going experience of enlightened hearts and minds.

No cover ups or secrets.  God our Heavenly Father wants us to know and has provided the means to that outcome.  It is left in our hands to decide how much we wish to know.  Paul's prayer seems designed to pro-actively stimulate the Ephesians' desire to further their "knowing" of this hope in ongoing caliber.

Get this, Paul tells them, they were "called" to it.  The Lord called them.  They came. Part of the calling a responsibility to a continuance of knowing the Lord in closer realtionship with Him.  We often say and pray we want this.  Where the rubber hits the road, we often lose our breath.

Oh the graciousness and patience of our Lord, and the perseverance of Paul and his prayers for his spiritual offspring.  How he must have loved them and sued for their good!

Can we seek this for ourselves and others too?  Let's.

This is all part of our "glorious inheritance".  Heaven and Jesus.  Paul wants the Ephesians to know what all is part and parcel of the inheritance in Christ they have gained through faith in Jesus Christ.

Continued discoveries would lead to their undestanding the...

"...immeasurable greatness of His power towards..." (vs 19)

them.  Do you know how powerful that power is?!  It's "immeasurable", it's "great"; its the 'force' that raised Jesus from the dead.  Blow me away!  God's supernatural almighty power.

We have this power within us through the Holy Spirit and because of our faith in Jesus Christ!  This is our inheritance we're talking about here.  Have you gotten it?

Maybe in our heads; head knowledge.  Paul wanted 'his flock' to know it in day to day living.

This power did not only raise Jesus from the dead, it...

"...seated Him at His right hand in Heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion" (vs 20, 21).

There were some powerful kings and emperors way back when.  The people could relate to some degree but it's almost beyond their imagining that Jesus was mightier than all of them combined.  He is still mightier than the might of the USA, China and Russia of today, combined!

Many will also think of Satan and his minions - the evil "might" lurking and roaming about seeking whom they may devour, steal, kill and destroy.  They may be strong but they are not stronger or mightier than our King of kings and Lord of lords.  Jesus, our great Redeemer, Friend, the One in Whom we've placed our trust and hope.  His name, Jesus, is above every name, not just now but also,

"...in the age to come" (v21).

So many breaths later we come to verses 22 and 23.  This mighty One, our Jesus, Paul enthuses, He, is the One in control, He is the One

 "over all things to the church".  

Believers in Jesus Christ, our Inheritance is...

"head over the church".  

We are His body.  Together, with Him, we have fullness.

Is your breath taken away again?

It is empowering to know and understand all this.  It's an ongoing process as we learn a bit here and there; growing in our understanding and of Jesus and His mighty power which is in us through the Holy Spirit; Breath of God.  Our minds and hearts cannot take it all in, in one breath but do pray for yourself and your loved ones and your own church affliation that they will be kept by faith and their ever increasing knowledge and have first hand experience of life with Christ their inheritance.

This has to go beyond the testimonies we hear of others, and come into our own pro-active growth in Christ.  This will be our own testimony to share and it will take more than one breath to tell it.  

To God be the glory!

                                                        ~ERC April 2021~

Based on Ephesians 1:15-23 (ESV).

Sing, Breath of God, with Emu Music

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