Thursday, September 30, 2021

Book Review - 37 - By Joy Cohen - Publication Date: 1 October 2021

The stories in this book entitled 37, incidently, and coincidently, occurred in 1937, creating a kaleidoscope of people, in exile and/or experiencing painful circumstances.  The book characters found, at times, dubious refuge in various places.  These stories detail the heartbreaks and challenges of ongoing conflicts even in their so-called havens; prejudices and so n, scarring them futher.  All this culmination despite some healing and overcomings to pick up the pieces and "move on" in life.  That is, for those who did survive.

There is an undercurrent story here of Polly Stern, would be famous photo-journalist, who collects these stories as she grapples with her own identity, which always has seemed, well, "off".  Will she ever piece together her own story and be able to move on?

Although these stories have elemental truth as told, be reminded this is a historical fiction novel so the purist historian will no doubt unearth some added 'salt and pepper'.  Nevertheless, the stories will reach the heart and stir up emotions and may even help the reader rethink some issues of how things, currently, are.

                                              ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                         September 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by the publisher.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Book Review - The Rebel Suffragette, The Life of Edith Rigby - By Beverley Adams



At least, so believed the government and many men of the day.

In many a backward place, women have been second-class citizens for centuries untold, but they kept their peace, until...Enter the Suffragettes!

This book takes a fascinating look at the almost 100 year battle to achieve the right for women to vote on equal basis as men. The campaign, Vote for Women, raged throughout the United Kingdom, propelled by courageous, determined and self-sacrificing women who had had enough of all the injustices perpetuated towards women. The voting right realized would be symbolic towards bringing about the necessary changes.

Among the women who upheld this cause was the plucky, intrepid Edith Rigby. This biography of her role in this fight is representative of many like her who endured arrest, police brutality and abuse within the prison systems. This "crusade" towards equality with men continues to this day as author Beverley Adams spells out in her book, The Rebel Suffragette.

A wonderful book to read and hopefully women everywhere will be energized to carry on the baton for the next generation in their particular niche of the world.

                                                   ~Eunice C. Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                      July 2021

Slated for publication 30 September 2021.

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by the publisher.

The Rebel Suffragette: The Life of Edith Rigby -Goodreads.


Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Prayer - His Crown Will Shine

 Father God, as we think over Zion over the past few days and how much 'hot' strife is ongoing, our hearts ache and weep (written in May 2021).  Jesus, while walking those dusty roads, looked out over the city of Jerusalem and also wept.

Oh, how He longed for them to accept Him, the Prince of Peace.  How He longed for them to take shelter under "His Wings".  He knew and also verbally foretold of the destruction of Jerusalem, and wanted them to repent and to come to Him.

Zion is Your 

"desired...dwelling place" (Psalm 132:14 ESV).
  You want to 

"abundantly bless her..." and "satisfy her poor with bread" (vs 15). 
 Like an oft unrepentant child, they did not accept.

Yes, for many years You did dwell there, Your "shekinah" glory.  You did fulfil Your pomise to David, to forever have one of his offspring

 "set on [his] throne" (v 11, 12). 

This is Jesus.

He too was rejected of men.  Some glorious day, though, we know He will come back in His fullness and set His feet once more upon Zion for You have "chosen" it.

True Peace will reign.

We have to give You thanks that those who have accepted Your Son Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, already have that coveted peace in their hearts and minds.  These followers of Jesus Christ will have the glorious priveledge of living and reigning with Him for all eternity.  Words cannot express how euphoric that will be; sounds like a totally exciting prospect!

Peace in our hearts and peace in Zion!  Oh Father, come quickly.

In Jesus' Prince of Peace, most precious and powerful Name, we beseech You.  

We look up to Him whose 

"crown will shine" (vs 18).

                                                       ~ERC  May 2021~

Based on Psalm 132:1-18 (ESV)

Sing, The Holy City - Jerusalem, along with Andre Rieu

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Prayer - Dove in Pro-Active Stance

Heavenly Father, peace and blessing be unto You.  You have 

"commanded blessing and life forevemore" (Psalm 133:3) 

upon Zion.  Sounds like a wonderful command!

It is also a wondeful "song of ascents," as we imagine David gathering together with all the people in his kingdom of Israel, headed to the place of Zion where Your presence dwelt among them.

From each of the tribes the people came.  Each having their own tribal identity, and individual traits.  They came together "in unity" but also "dwelt together in unity".  No wonder David had to put that in psalm song!  Also a good reminder as they sang and gathered from the four winds of the kingdom.

"It was like precious oil" - the anointing oil for prophets, priests and kings.  Of special note, upon, "Aaron's beard;" Aaron the first High Priest of Israel.  He had had to be consecrated and sanctified - "made holy" for his special purpose.  All these, at Your command Father God.

We are reminded that that precious "oil was made of a mixture of myrrh, cassia, cinnamon, cane calamus into olive oil base.  Four ingredients mixed together "in harmony" brought forth holiness; well-pleasing in Your sight.  David appreciated it too as we see in Psalm 133.  He remarked,

"How good and how pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity" ( v 1)!

He equated it to the precious anointing oil, and holiness.

Nothing has changed, Father.  You still love unity and holiness.  When Your saints gather together to read Your word, to pray, to fellowhip and to remember the Lord Jesus Christ in His death each Lord's Day, You still love to see the like-mindedness among Your children.

We are so diverse:  ethnic backgrounds; vocations; again each with their own "free will,"  but when each seeks Your will and the unity of the Holy Spirit You've given each follower of Jesus Christ, it too is like that precious anointing oil that ran down upon Aaron's head, beard, and collar of his robes (vs 2).

In my mind, I see a child stringing pearls.  She placed a single dove-in-flight, (representative of Your Holy Spirit) in the middle so that it would be surrounded by those pearls (Your pearls of "great price"), which would rest on the middle front curve of her neck.

It is exquisite.  It is pleasant and mesmerizing to look at.  It is representative that Your Holy Spirit needs to be allowed pro-active stance among us, putting our individual wills into Yours and be eager to keep and maintain that unity of Spirit to bring blessing upon Your people and a testimony to all who observe.  A glowing testimony of love and good works, and of encouraging one another, in unity and holiness.

We echo David that it is indeed, "good and pleasant".

                                                    ~ERC May 2021~

Based on Psalm 133:1-3 (ESV).

See also Exodus 30; Ephesians 4:3; and Hebrews 10:24-25 (ESV).

Prayer - Solace in Jesus


Heavenly, Father, our hearts are lifted up to You even though we are having troubel raising our eyes and heads.  The news, spouted by newscasters bring so much bad news:  wars and rumors of wars, or the aftermath of the Afghanistan pullout, not to mention the continuing saga of COVID-19 and the vaccines (over which another type of war politicians seem bent upon) and the general populaces' reactions to it all, floods us with so much stress and distress.

We do not want to occupy ourselves so much with all this but it is all so much in our face.  We need our souls quieted and calmed.

Spending time with You in the quietness of morning, listening to Your birds sing, chirp and warble, reading and meditating upon Your word, brings this stillness into our hearts and minds.

Like the psalmist of psalm 131 who learns this, and tells Israel his discovery, we put our hope in You - our sure and steadfast LORD.  May each of Your children do so from this time forth and for evermore.

In Jesus' most precious Name we pray and find our solace.

                                                      ~ERC  May 2021~

Based on Psalm 131:1-3 (ESV).

Sing, In Christ Alone, with Brian Littrell

Prayer - All Afflictions Stopped


LORD, yes, You did give the Promised Land to the Children of Israel.  They made a mess of things though and Zion Jerusalem became a laughing stock and was greatly afflicted.  Like Esau, they did not value their "birthright" until it was too late.  Evenutally You brought a remnant back and they rejoiced for a time.  Much later, after Jesus had come to live among men and then had gone back to be with You in Heaven, Jerusalem was once again leveled.

Over the course of time it has been a place of unrest.  During the 1967 six-day war, "Israel was regained".  There are still so many squabbles and literal "tugs-of-war" over that place where You have once dwelt.

Even as I write, it saddens me and what's more, no doubt, saddens You, to see the turmoil that threatened evictions and so on, produce.  Oh, how the place needs Your intervention, once again.  How long, Oh LORD?  

"Cut the cords of the wicked" (vs 4).

Many hate Zion, and like to blame them for the unrest.  Sometimes Zion is the one stirring the pot; sometimes, others.  So we long for Your peace and righteousness to not just hover, but "to be" upon the whole region.

One day, we know Jesus will touch down and make permanent peace and administer perfect justice and dispense righteousness throughout the land.

How we long for that day to happen!

May all who then enter and/or pass by say,

"The blessing of the LORD be upon you!  We bless you in the name of the LORD" (vs 8)!

My, oh my LORD, that will be a welcome switch!  What a contrast.  All afflictions stopped.  Peace reigning.  Sing it out.

"Come, LORD Jesus!"

We ask all this in the wonderful name of Jesus.

                                                         ~ERC  May 2021~

Based on Psalm 129:1-8 (ESV)

Sing, Zion, along with Aaron Shust

NOTE:  Yes, I realize that we followers of Jesus Christ will be raptured prior to Jesus' touching down on Mt. Zion and reigning on Earth.  I believe one can still pray for that day to happen though as that means we will have been 'raptured' and we would then be with Him and reigning with Him; and there will be that longed-for peace.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

Dear Old Jonah

 Dear old Jonah, Lord, what a strong-willed and angry child of God he was!  A prophet, no less; and maybe You even cringe some, at me bringing this up to You.  Know this, Father God, that I'm so glad his story has been told and included in Your Scriptures which are able to make us wise - if we heed them.

Ironic that  Jonah had to tell the story himself!  

What do you call that, poetic justice?

A most unwilling prophet, yet there are some like that today.  Given the message to "go into all the world and preach the gospel" of salvation through Jesus Christ; sent, "to go," but reluctant 'go-ers'.

Jonah, although he eventually repented and did give You thanksgiving in the big fish's belly, went with Your message of impending judgment You gave him to deliver, he still wasn't very happy about it.  He wasn't very grateful or full of joy at the mercy You showed him; definitely not at the merciful stayng of Your hand upon the repentant Ninevites.  In fact, he was...

 "exceedingly displeased" (Jonah 4:1 ESV)!

The Ninevites' weeping repentance turned into joy and these "sheaves" You still mercifully allowed Jonah to seemingly "harvest"!  What a disgruntled man!  Even at Your mercy and the saving of so many lives; human and animal, alike, he grumbled and complained and was exceedingly angry.

What more us, nowadays.  May we joy in You our God, and sing of Your love and mercy, even when directed upon our enemies, who in turn, repent.  Replace our anger, with songs of repentant joy and thankfulness and restoration as we "bring our sheaves" with us (Psalm 126).

In Jesus' Name we ask.

                                                        ~ERC  May 2021~

Read the book of Jonah and Psalm 126

See also, Prayer - Restored Fortunes & Harvest

Sing, We Joy In Our God.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Prayer - Restored Fortune & Harvest


Merciful Father, God, there was weeping, repentance, mercy, restoration, gratefulness, shouts of joy and then harvest of "sheaves" - fruitfulness.  This was a "new song" of ascents that Your people, the children of Israel sang upon return from captivity in Babylon.  You, LORD, had...

"...done great things for them."

The psalmist memorialized it for them and we too, can know and understand this kind of joy.  It gives us hope.

When we fail and then endure consequences we can know, repentance leads to restoration.  A process You and we as individuals can "work" together to make happen.  You go steps further on our behalf...You graciously allow a harvest in our souls and even quite possibly in the lives of others as the psalm goes,"

"...bringing his sheaves with him."

Oh Father, may great works be transpiring within us and through us so that we can multiply for You:  some 60, some 80, some 100-fold.  You are the LORD of the harrvest, may we bring You joy and effect it within ourselves and out towards others.  Restore our 'fortunes' and give us bountiful soul harvest.

May the joy of the LORD be our strength.

In Jesus' name I praise and pray.

                                                         ~ERC  MAY 2021~

Based on Psalm 26:1-6 ESV

Sing Bringing in the Sheaves, with Tennessee Ernie Ford.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Book Review - Mr. Nicholas - By Chistopher de Vinck - Publication Date: 21 September 2021


Wasn't it C.S. Lewis who believed a good children's story would also appeal to adults?  This tale is of that caliber.  Besides the mystery surrounding the odd Mr. Nicholas, the story stirs the heart on several levels.  There's JB, the Down Syndrome child who figures it out; who introduces his own type of magic, yet is a catalyst to tension between his journalist, baseball fanatic Dad and his painter-driven Mom.  Can this marriage be salvaged and reconciled?  Add in the village folk who find Mr. Nicholas keeps them off keel.  Will they ever figure out what that niggling aura of oddity is about him?

The tweaks and twists of the author's ingenious skill, lend to a thoroughly enjoyable read as he intricately weaves his story.   This definitely should earn him a prestigious award or two. for he can certainly stoke a story and have it resonate for both children and adults.

                                              ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                          August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by the publisher.

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Book Review - Meet Me Under the Kissing Bough - By Josi S. Kipack, Anneka R. Walker, Sarah McConkie - Publication Date: 20 Septeber 2021


Three separate romance stories by three separate, competent authors.  Each story is fashioned around the Christmas season in the 1800's and addresses social issues of classic upper and lower classes and the norms of "keeping to your station in life" and not upsetting the apple cart.  Love will not adhere to such conventions.  

In the first story, Deborah and Phillip must figure it out.  Their happiness vs relatives' and societys' acceptance.  Will they ever be able to openly utilize the Christmas Kissing Bough?

In the second story, a family feud fueled by some unknown catalyst perpetuates its continuance to the present.  A divide keeping loved ones and a budding romance at bay.  The hopefuls, Julia and Esmond, trust that where there's a will there's a way to bridge the gap, especially when they discover some intriquing letters.  It seems hopeless though...even with Christmas kissing boughs hanging about.

In the third scenario, the reader will wonder if Lady Caroline, queen of arrogance, and Mr. Charleston of tattered clothes  but of dignified integrity, will even want to overcome the class divide despite the pull of attraction which strengthens.  One of them will have to mend their ways but will it be enough?  Sarah McConkie, the third author, spins her yarn well, creating a read with great potential to while away an afternoon in pleasant repose; my favorite of the three.

                                               ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                           August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Prayer - Escaped Like A Bird


You are in a car, speeding backwards.  It had been shifted into reverse and a supposed light tap on the accelorator turned into a nightmare.  The pedal got stuck and the brakes failed.  No matter how frantically you pumped those brakes, they would not take hold.

The car rushed and hurtled backwards down the steep highway decline at breakneck speed.  Other vchicles sped rightfully up and forward, careening out of your collision-course way.  In great panic and fear, your neck swiveled, owl-like, permanently behind; heart palpatating at equal velocity, racing with your car, your hands clenched in vise-grip upon the steering wheel, maneuvering in desparate attempts to avoid certain tragedy; what do you do?  

What can you do?  

Suddenly you wake up, and with monumental relief, thank the Lord you are safely in bed, and it had only been a dream.

Do you ever feel like that, though?

Thank God our help is in Him.  He is on our side against the enemy who does not have flesh and blood but oft time uses such to get at us.  Our life seems out of control but the wise child of God knows his/her "help comes from the LORD, Who made Heaven and Earth," and He helps us escape "like a bird from the snare of the fowler".

Father God, Life is not a dream but it can be a nightmare and so we lift up our eyes to You for help, being confident that You are on Our side - making it the winning team, against all the evil and anger that threatens to swallow us up.  If it had not been for You, O God, we would have been swept briskly and abruptly away by it all.

Blessed are You, Abba Father.

Our hearts are anchored in You, and in great gratefulness we bless You in the Name of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

                                                          ~ERC  May 2021~

Based on Psalm 124:1-8 (ESV).

Listen to this legend, George Beverly Shea and others, sing Rock of Ages.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Prayer - The Eyes Ask It

 Oh Father God, the eyes say it all, nowadays.  Faces are so masked and so we have to lift up our eyes to the eyes of one anothers'.  Fathers lift eyes to Mothers; Mothers to Fathers; parents to children, children to parents; teachers to students and students to teachers; customers to cashiers; bosses to staff and visa versa, and so on.

The eyes look for direction and guidance; they look for approval or disapproval; they look  for love and affection.  There could be hate and bitterness and unforgiveness too.  There's so much that eyes convey.

At this time, our eyes look to You, Father, we lift them up to You for Your mercy.  OH, how we need it!  We need it for ourselves, upon the whole world in general and upon each country in turn, at this ongoing militant mutating COVID-19 virus epoch.  How it is decimating the populace of Earth!

Our eyes grow so faint and burn, looking up to You, LORD, for Your mercy.  Our souls have had enough of this virus.  So many souls lost to eternal destruction and not with Christ.  




Look down and see, Father.

Have mercy upon us, oh Father God; even upon those who are proud; or have been, until this virus plague has come upon all mankind.  Yes, pride and rebellion is still alive and festering in many places.  We look to You for Your mercy, nevertheless.  May Your mercy and goodness humble them and turn their eyes to You.

You are enthroned in the heavens, in control.  Have mercy upon us.  Our eyes, look up, aloft to Yours and ask it.  

We beseech You in Jesus' Name.

                                                         ~ERC  May 2021~

Based upon PsLM 123:1-4 ESV

Sing, Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus along with Gaither Music TV.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Prayer - Call Upon the LORD

 Isn't it amusing, at least when it is not "in the moment," to hear someone who is being bullied, say, "I'm going to get my Dad, or big brother, or uncle to get you..."?  The verse I read just now from Psalm 118, reminded me of such a scenario.

"The LORD is on my side; I will not fear.  What can man do to me" ( vs 6)?

These are words which have great power and true "threat" behind them.  The LORD is our sure Protector and the One to bring intervention on His children's behalf!

Look at what the psalmist said next...

"The LORD is on my side as my helper; I shall look in triumph on those who hate me" (vs 7).

When we are harassed, goaded or outhright attacked, we can boldly say, 

"The LORD is on my side..."

We can call upon Him as it is better,

" take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man" (vs 8).

So often we go to 'man' first.  

The Lord is so good to us and He and His steadfast love endure forever.  Mankind fails and fails often even when he does try to be faithful.

Who would you put your trust in?  One who never fails, or one who often fails?

The choice is yours.

Father God, it is so satisfying to know You are on our side; we your children through faith in Jesus Christ.  We can trust in You and we do not need to fear what men can and does do, to us, Your children.  It is easy to say this but firmly implant Your words into our minds and hearts that You never fail.  You are always on our side and we can trust in You, always.  By contrast, remind us that mankind, although You may use another human being to help us, does fail intentionally or unintentionally.

Fix our trust on You. Then we leave the results up to You. We know You love us and only do what is good for us; even if it is painful.  Your will be done.  We give You thanks.  You are good and Your steadfast love endures forever.

May we always call upon You, our LORD and God.  In Jesus' name we pray and trust.

                                                          ~ERC May 2021~

Based on Psalm 118:1-29 ESV especially vs 6-8, 28-29.

Sing, Whom Shall I Fear, along with Chris Tomlin.

Book Review - Your Guide to Not Getting Murdered in a Quaint English Village - By Maureen Johnson & Jay Cooper - Publication Date: 14 September 2021

 Something to read while on holiday on a dull day in a remote, innocuous-looking village, to cheer you up.  The tongue-in-cheek humor will have you smirking and eyebrow lifting in no time flat with its "cheery" thriller prose.  Watch your back.  Watch your front; side, top, bottom; your were instructed to follow the guide!  

                                                       ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                        August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by the publisher.

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<img src="" width="80" height="80" alt="Reviews Published" title="Reviews Published"/>

Book Review - A Spacious Place - By Ashley Hales - Publication Date: 14 September 2021

Hurry and haste are 

not in good taste.  Slow down and

delight in your Lord.

A greatly beneficial Christian living book!  So thankful for its thoughts and the 'reset' it could bring into a life that is out of control and alignment, or full of frustration or despair.  Reflect on what Ashely Hales has to say and learn that the guardrails of God's limitations in our lives are for our own good.  The old adage, "our disappointments are His-appointments" seems appropo to describe many of the thoughts in this book.  

This is not a book to skim through in "hurry or haste".  Take your time.  Read carefully and delight in the words Hales pens and the thoughts to which she leads the reader.  Discover that "cathedral" where we can find spaciousness even in the limitations with which life underscores us. Meet with God at those roughshod times.  He's there.  Stretch out in His spaciousness He's creating for us all and to which Hales invites on His behalf.  She's been there.  She knows firsthand.

The limitations are invitations from Jesus to learn of the hope resurrection brings; to learn of Him and to draw us to our Heavenly Father which could bring new life and purpose despite losses.  These are His gifts to us, Hales informs.  Do what it takes to pay attention to Him.

Very pointed discussion questions are provided.   They are good to answer for oneself and/or in a group setting.  Acknowledgements and Notes about quotes used, follow.

                                                    ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                             August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by the publisher.

Read bookreview on Goodreads.

Book Review - Rivers - By Claudia Martin - Publication Date: 14 September 2021

 The masterpiece book, Rivers, boasts an incredible portfolio of professional, photographic snapshots of rivers the world over. Talk about an epic adventure of a lifetime!  One can visit the continents and countries whose civilizations have flourished riverside since the dawn of mankind, without even leaving the comfort of ones armchair.  Of course, that would not be half as challenging!  

Nevertheless, hours and hours can be well spent mulling over the rivers captured in their many moods and types of weather.  One cannot talk about rivers either, without mentioning waterfalls and bridges.  These too, are shot at angles for their most aestheic potential.  Gasps of wonder and awe at the spectacular, phenomenal panoramas of God's creation, displayed within this book's pages, will exude, involuntarily, from your being as you 'experience' this 'voyage'.

The author has done an exceptional job at highlighting, with just the right tweak of words, as explanation of the rivers' significance, such as their respective uses, legends, environmental status and so on, throughout history and of current times.  Very informative and educationally delightful.  Have an awesome adventure meandering the world's rivers along with the author and the photographic "tour guides".

                                                 ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                              August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Lord's Day Devotion - Devotional Prayer - To Be With Him With Peace


Peace, Father God, "let there be peace in Jerusalem!"  Thus was the song for the Israelites to sing as they made their ascent to the house of the LORD.  Picture them wending their way to that place where Your presence was dwelling, first in the Tabernacle and later in the Temple in Jerusalem. 

It must have been wondrous for You to hear that and to see Your chosen people going to Your house, some by route, do doubt, but others with sincerity of heart.  Certainly the psalmist of Psalm 122 had that joy and love for being where Your presence dwelt.

To be there...

To hear the songs of praise...

To see all "in one accord" giving thanks and praise to You, Father and blessing Your name. 

They wished to be with You, to commune with You and You wished to commune with them.  How blessed it must have been for You when they came with pure hearts to be with You.

Nowadays, when we go collectively to the gathering place of Your saints, to remember what Jesus has accomplished for us upon the cross with His sacrificial death, and with His resurrection, to just be in His presence, may we focus our minds and hearts upon Him and all He has done for us.  May we bask in His presence and the 'just being there,' together, with Him.

He said, that even "where two or three were gathered together, in His Name, He'd be there in our midst." Now I know, Father, this was said at a time of reconciliation between brothers and/or sisters who'd gone astray in some way or had had a falling out.  Yet, to desire harmonious accord with each other for Your sake, and to have Your blessing,  You would show up even then to be with them no matter the two or three (Matthew 18:15-20).  How precious these times are when Your children get together to reconcile and to give Jesus praise, adoration and thanks, remembering.

Remembering Him in His death and resurrection, because His sacrifice reconciled us to You!  We pass the broken bread and the cup of wine to one another, in the assurance and hope we have in Him and in remembrance this Lord's Day.

May our hearts even be gladdened BEFORE we get there.  May we joy and burst out in song along the road to "church" be it sheltering under that tree or in that building designated.  May our countanences be alight and not grimaced in angry bickering with our spouse, child or some brother or sister in Christ.  Instead, let a song of ascents flow from our hearts out of our mouths and through our lips; a sacrifice of praise.

May we praise before, during and afterwards to be with Him and in peace.

Definately, let there be peace in Jerusalem as well as in our hearts, homes, cars along the way, and in that "church" with our fellow followers of Jesus Christ.

In Jesus' most precious Name we praise, pray and sing.

                                                        ~ERC  May 2021~

Based on Psalm 122:1-9 (ESV)

Sing, We Joy in Our God, STEM Publishing.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Peaceful Afternoon Interrupted

 Daises and buttercups danced among the grasses in nature's florist meadow;  they jigged and giggled as the gentle breezes tickled them.  The nearby merrily, babbing brook, rippled, eddied and called to the flowers to sing and play their symphony of fiddles, softy beaten tom-toms, keeping them in delirous swinging dances of joy.

Two children lay on their backs among the florets, gesticulating at the sky, competing with each other, gleefully calling out the changing cloud creations twirling and unfurling across heaven's stage:  first, "a whale;" then, "rhino;" "a sheep;" "no, look, look, its an angel!"

They did not see the slithering, green garter snake silently slide by but when the little green frog leaped onto the lad's chest, the lazily murmuring afternoon was interrupted with startled cries. The boy's heart beat double-time, his arms batting "the thing" away.  He gulped for breath, calming himself with self talk, especially when his brother guffawed, "It's only a frog...!"

All semblance of peace was forgotten.  Ground-nesting birds, which had for some minutes forgotten the boys were there, rose in frightened flight; the cat stalking the snake skeddadled in a frenzy.  The brook even seemed to pause its tune to ascertain what the commotion was all about before resuming its flow and babble.

The brothers' inertia disturbed, further shattered the peace and quiet, laughed and shouted to each other, "Last one into the brook is a rotten egg...!"

Oh the scurry and hurry to strip to undies, surprizingly they remembered their mother's admonition not to soil or spoil their clothes, and to splash and frolic with exhilaration in the refreshing waters.  Little blennies and roaches shook their fins and rushed to escape the onslaught, and fled to the nooks and grannies and pebble shelters of their underwater world.  Ha, ha. the boys had seen their hide and seek feats and greedily clutched at them.  How fond they were to catch fish, even ones so small.  They had brought an empty glass peanut butter jar with them "just in case".

Oh the joy of the catch.  They managed to get a silvery one and quickly ensconced it in its glass prison; then another and another.  They were "lucky" today.  The fish didn't feel like it though.  Frightened, the fish flitted and darted left and right bumping their noses in useless frantic flee.  The boys' eyes appeared enormous to these little fishes with escape wishes.  The boys gazed in fascinated wonder though,  at their sleek, aquatic prisoners.

The beauty of God's creation, albeit a small sector of a sector, amazed them.  However, they were kind lads and decided that before they went home they'd release the fine finned creatures back to their natural habitat.  They themselves would not wish to be kidnapped away from their home, they mused.

Speaking of which, the wind whispered to them, "The sun is slipping behind the hills and vales - go home".  They looked up at the sun, which wasn't 'too up,' to see, sure enough, the hour must be getting quite late - they'd best hurry home.

Oops, boys, don't forget your clothes.

The daisies and buttercups; the garter snake and frogs; the babbling brook, blennies and roaches all concurred.  They each gave a sigh of relief that they could "rest in peace;" until the lads' next appearance, at least. 

As for the cat, she had beaten the boys home and was happily digging into her chow.  Mother was serving up their dinner and Father was silently sitting at the head of the bountifully laden table, waiting.

"Run and wash up, lads," Mother urged.  "You're a bit late."

"Sorry Mother," they chorused, not daring to meet Father's eyes.  "It was so fun out there," they explained.  "God sure knew how to make the world!"

Mother smiled indulgently.  Father remembered his boyhood, and graciously smirked under his bowed head. 

                                                          ~ERC  May 2021~

Prayer - Praise the LORD Again and Again

 The cry of the heart of the psalmist was for all nations and peoples to praise and extol You, LORD!  We look at the state of the world now and see its chaos, its gargantuan mess politcally.  One country against another, verbally and medically - national leaders worldwide, still milking the situation for all its worth, stabbing each other politically, to boot, at the huge cost of human suffering and lives.

Oh Lord, let Your steadfast love and faithfulness blanket the world, so these writhing multitudes will turn and seek You and come to praise You.  They desparately need you.  Come to them in dreams and visions since Your servants cannot get to them physcially, hands-on; especially to the poor and needy nations teeming with such populations, who can't help themselves very well.

Your hand, oh Lord, is not shortened that it cannot save, and nothing is impossible for You.  Indeed, let the Earth rejoice and praise the LORD!  Praise the Lod again and again.

In Jesus name we pray and praise.

                                                        ~ERC May 2021~

Based on Psalm 117:1-2 ESV

Sing, The Steadfast Love of the Lord Never Ceases, along with Dave Hunt

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

In One Breath


Can you read aloud Ephesians 1:15-21 in one big breath?  It's a challenge as it is all one lengthy sentence.  Even at that, verses 22 and 23 actually seem as if they should be a continuance of those which go before because verse 22 begins with 'and'.  For teachers of English who love good punctuation and grammar, its a feat of written language expertise and not a novice's run-on sentence.

All that aside, the letter writer, the apostle Paul, has jam-packed such a continuance and flow of thought that one must needs take it one jot and tittle, by one jot and tittle, to attempt to grasp some meaning.  This definately cannot be accomplished in one breath!

I love Paul's little tweaks of commendation and assurances; he commends the Ephesians' faith in Jesus Christ and love for all saints and says he doesn't cease to give thanks for them nor forget them in his prayers.

How nice and uplifting to have the assurance of someone, especially such a busy man of God, stop to pray for you.  Do you have such a peson praying for You, at least that you know of?  I used to; my parents but the've gone on to glory.  There ae times now, one feels adrift.  This begs the next question.  Perhaps, itls time now to "pray it forward"; time to be that one to "never cease" to pray for your loved ones or your church congregation assemblage.  What do you think?

Who out therre could use your constant prayers?

Paul was not just praying for mundane things such as smooth journeys for folks going hither and thither on vacation, or for a place to tie ones' donkey at the town market or for good physical health.  No, he goes below the surface - gets at the nitty-gritty to that which is of utmost importance.  I love that he does not cease to do so.  These are his spiritual babies and he is tenderly, yet firmly, caring for their nurture and growth towards their spiritual maturity.

He engages the Trinity on their behalf!  He wants them to have wisdom and revelation for them through the Holy Spirit, to have greater knowledge for Jesus Christ.  Knowledge, understanding, and insight to garner right response; so they "may know the hope" not just 'know about' but to "know the hope" - a first hand on-going experience of enlightened hearts and minds.

No cover ups or secrets.  God our Heavenly Father wants us to know and has provided the means to that outcome.  It is left in our hands to decide how much we wish to know.  Paul's prayer seems designed to pro-actively stimulate the Ephesians' desire to further their "knowing" of this hope in ongoing caliber.

Get this, Paul tells them, they were "called" to it.  The Lord called them.  They came. Part of the calling a responsibility to a continuance of knowing the Lord in closer realtionship with Him.  We often say and pray we want this.  Where the rubber hits the road, we often lose our breath.

Oh the graciousness and patience of our Lord, and the perseverance of Paul and his prayers for his spiritual offspring.  How he must have loved them and sued for their good!

Can we seek this for ourselves and others too?  Let's.

This is all part of our "glorious inheritance".  Heaven and Jesus.  Paul wants the Ephesians to know what all is part and parcel of the inheritance in Christ they have gained through faith in Jesus Christ.

Continued discoveries would lead to their undestanding the...

"...immeasurable greatness of His power towards..." (vs 19)

them.  Do you know how powerful that power is?!  It's "immeasurable", it's "great"; its the 'force' that raised Jesus from the dead.  Blow me away!  God's supernatural almighty power.

We have this power within us through the Holy Spirit and because of our faith in Jesus Christ!  This is our inheritance we're talking about here.  Have you gotten it?

Maybe in our heads; head knowledge.  Paul wanted 'his flock' to know it in day to day living.

This power did not only raise Jesus from the dead, it...

"...seated Him at His right hand in Heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion" (vs 20, 21).

There were some powerful kings and emperors way back when.  The people could relate to some degree but it's almost beyond their imagining that Jesus was mightier than all of them combined.  He is still mightier than the might of the USA, China and Russia of today, combined!

Many will also think of Satan and his minions - the evil "might" lurking and roaming about seeking whom they may devour, steal, kill and destroy.  They may be strong but they are not stronger or mightier than our King of kings and Lord of lords.  Jesus, our great Redeemer, Friend, the One in Whom we've placed our trust and hope.  His name, Jesus, is above every name, not just now but also,

" the age to come" (v21).

So many breaths later we come to verses 22 and 23.  This mighty One, our Jesus, Paul enthuses, He, is the One in control, He is the One

 "over all things to the church".  

Believers in Jesus Christ, our Inheritance is...

"head over the church".  

We are His body.  Together, with Him, we have fullness.

Is your breath taken away again?

It is empowering to know and understand all this.  It's an ongoing process as we learn a bit here and there; growing in our understanding and of Jesus and His mighty power which is in us through the Holy Spirit; Breath of God.  Our minds and hearts cannot take it all in, in one breath but do pray for yourself and your loved ones and your own church affliation that they will be kept by faith and their ever increasing knowledge and have first hand experience of life with Christ their inheritance.

This has to go beyond the testimonies we hear of others, and come into our own pro-active growth in Christ.  This will be our own testimony to share and it will take more than one breath to tell it.  

To God be the glory!

                                                        ~ERC April 2021~

Based on Ephesians 1:15-23 (ESV).

Sing, Breath of God, with Emu Music

Book Review - UNLOST - By Gail Muller - Publication Date: 7 September 2021

 Those who suffer from chronic illness:  the pain and mental stress, as well as the social reclusiveness, it causes, will relate to this autiobiography. Gail's journey through the maze of unwellness and her overcoming mechanisms will amaze, especially when she decided she'd  ask her body to go hiking!  Not the "safe" couple of hours hiking, but hiking the Applachian Montains for miles and months on end, echelon; a through hiker.

There's a glossary of hiker terminology which will be helpful.  However, I would have greatly preferred that the author had refrained from using certain language, especially the despicable 'F' word, which is liberally sprinkled throughout the pages.  There was also a bit too much information about Buckshot.  This type of language and "information" ruined what would have been an otherwise remarkable account of the kindnesses of fellow-hikers, and of overcoming, and an in-spite-of, chronic illness torments.

                                                ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                             August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by the publisher.

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Book Review - Demystifiying Disability - By Emily Ladau - Publication Date: 7 September 2021

 This is a much needed book, educating nondisabled people in how to relate to and treat, disabled people with greater respect and decent humanity.  Emily Ladau, the author, is a disabled person. She really would like us to know these basics and I really appreciate her candid, almost, "in your face" approach to her informing.  We do need to be jolted out of our patronizing, hurtful ways, even if we have been unintentional in causing offense and embarassment to the disabled we meet in any given day or way.  

Ladau's do's and don't's have been very helpful in regards to which terminology is better; awareness of how ableist a nondisabled person can be; of creating more accessibility for the disabled people; to learn to respect and see each person, as a person and not as their disability, although that does need to be taken into account; and so on.  I have certainly gleaned a lot to cogitate upon and to "do better" by putting it into practice for the long-haul.

Included in this book are lists of books, films, online videos, and hashtags.  These resource suggestions,  aid in the instruction of the rights and treatment of the disabled.   Understanding leads to insight which leads to better response as a way of life.  Ladau tells of the podcast she co-hosts, which furthers this awareness and is another way to learn more.  A helpful index of key words used finishes up the addenda.

                                             ~Eunice C. Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                           August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads.

Book Review - Declutter Like a Mother - By Allie Casazza - Publication Date: 7 September 2021

 Allie Casazza pleasantly, yet firmly, exhorts her "cluttered" readers to have method in their "madness" to de-clutter.  Her definition of minimalist (ness) differs from what she believes is the mainstream meaning.  When one has vision or 'setmind' of how one wishes the rooms of their home to look like, then the task of decluttering will be less overwhelming, she reckons.

Casazza gives a room-by-room guide of how-to-do and how-not-to-do the decluttering.  She encourages mothers to include her childen in decision making as she believes in passing better habits on to the next generation.  Oh, and yes, the big one, ideas of how to get the spouse onboard with the plan.

Information about Casazzo podcasts, facebook community, programs and the author herself is included.  To round up her message, the appendix offers sharings by several mothers who'd been at their wits' ends until they found this program and disentangled themselves from "things".  Seems revolutionary and guaranteed to benefit one and all who invest in this 'de-clutter and de-stress program'.

                                             ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                        August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by the publisher.

Read review on Goodreads