Sunday, August 1, 2021

Good Book - A Praying Life

Some months ago, I did a review of the book, Praying the Bible by Donald S. Whitney.*  It was wonderful and helped tremendously in learning to pray through the Psalms and to give praise, worship and adoration to our Heavenly Father and to Jesus, our Savior.  It made a lasting impression.

Now, a kind of "follow up" book entitled, A Praying Life, by Paul E. Miller, is a further rounding out.  Yes, I've read a number of other books on the topic of prayer but this book, as well as the aforementioned one, have actually triggered that 'pray without ceasing' in a more 'operational' communing with the Lord.

At some points in the book, I could barely get through reading a paragraph and it compeled me to start talking to the Lord there and then; this on many pages in a row!  Phenomenal!

It's such an insightful and down to earth book, made so very likely because Miller and his family made themselves very vulnerable to the readership. He shared many private aspects of their life and day-to-day living as examples of the points he was making; very from their hearts to the readers'.

Miller covers several facets of how people pray and what some come to feel about prayer; a drag and drudge. He said many people feel God is not listening and/or bothering to answer.  Instead, he says we need to become more like children who are uninhibitated with what they say or ask for; "social norms, civic-mindedness, and political correctness" don't need to restrict our prayers when we speak with our Abba Father.  Lay our thoughts and hearts all bluntly out for Him.

Another section deals with being able to trust God again and overcome cynicism and skeptical attitudes toward God Who really does love and care for us.  His not answering us as and when we wish, does have a point and is, "part of our life story".  (Read the book to figure out what he means. 😄)

Next chapters are about learning to ask our Father for things and some things that we don't ask Him for that we should.  Lastly there's a chapter on ways in which to help your praying be more systematic and thoughtful in how you pray for yourself, your family, your neighbours, church members and so on.  Of course, a key point Miller wants to instill is not to become mechanical and route but to build relationship and to have very 'alive' prayers that encourage, aid and abett the "pray without ceasing"; openly and honestly.

You will come to love to talk to your Heavenly Father and see how He really does answer even if it takes years for it to happen.  May each of you have a wonderful "praying life".

                                                         ~ERC  June 2021~

*Actually more like a year ago in July 2020.

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