Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Book Review - Whole By His Grace - Compilation of Authors - Publication Date: 6 April 2021

 This devotional is a compilation of several authors' writings.  Partly, I cannot believe the depth at which some of them would actually expose the torment and turmoil of their childhood years of abuse, or even of their adult struggles, but I'm thankful they chose to share their inner secrets.  

Life has so many challenges; these women sharing their testimonies, no fewer.  Yet, these sisters-in-Christ show their reliance upon the Lord Jesus and by His grace have found a way through even the darkest of times.  May each reader be encouraged by the faith and courage of these ladies to find contentment in Jesus, while waiting for answers to come.

Truly, as one of the authors expressed, and from a gift she once received, she quotes, " the one who has Him, Jesus is everything."

God bless your growth in Him.

At the end of the book are short blurbs to introduce the authors and their respective niches in life.  Another added touch is the offer of free replacement of lost or damaged book; free audiobook-CREATION Life Discovery as benefits of registering for this book (as I understand it).

Additionally, there is explanation of some of what AdventHealthPress is about and its affliations, and some of their book choices among other addenda.

                                            ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                         August 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by the publisher.

Read review in Goodreads.

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