Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Predestined for Adoption


A long time ago I found an explanation for 'adoption'.  It went something like this...there are two ways to have a baby of ones' "own":  One is through the womb of the biological mother, and the other, is through the heart of an adoptive parent.  The biological mother can love her own baby ever as much as the baby who is adopted.  Nevertheless, it is out of love from the heart and by choice (usually), that a potential parent (or couple), adopts.

A biological mother, who, for whatever reason, chooses to give up her baby to an adoptive couple (or person) - had "predestined" her baby for adoption.  

From some stories I've read and heard of, many of these mothers love their babies, and therefore by very great struggle and heartbreak have made that decision to do what they believed has been  "the best" she could do for her wee newborn.

Yes, I'm aware there are infinite reasons why a baby or child is available for adoption.  Some may have come out of very volatile situations and given into foster care.  From there, it may be because the situation did not improve and in the end the biological parents, not so much out of doing "the best" for their child, but for more selfish reasons, have acquiesced to relinguishing their offspring to the care and potential adoption by others.

The thought behind, the "predestined for adoption," by God, has been out of His great love, and it comes to our knowledge, understanding and insight to be adopted by Him through salvation.  God wanted His human creatures to be united with Him; to be in His family.  If one reads Genesis, one will see that He had rapport with Adam, at first.  God came "in the cool of the day" to commune with Adam (& Eve).

Satan, God's enemy, "stole" mankind away from God, not so he could delight in mankind but be a terrible, fiercesome, demanding, hateful taskmaster.  Not the kind of parent anyone would want.  Satan didn't want a loving relationship but in jealousy he just didn't want God to enjoy such.  He thought he'd foul everything up by subtle deception and gile.  The human beings fell for it.

They still fall for it today.

God had His plan though, which in his love, and by His will, He predestined long e'er the world and time began.  He predestined the hearts he knew would engage with His, for adoption into His family, as His sons and daughters.  This, according to His pleasure and will.  There would be no snatching away either (John 10:28-30).

Our Father planned this all out and Jesus paid the price with His life to rescue and redeem the souls of the "whosoever will" to this adoption through Christ.  This was adoption through His heart of love.  He chose us.  He chose me!

Forgiveness of sins is lavished upon us with all His wisdom and understanding and purpose; to gather us all together under one head, even Christ.

I'm so glad to have been adopted into God's family.  Thank-You, Father.

In Jesus' name, I humbly give You thanks and praise.

                                                      ~ERC  April 2021~

Based on Ephesians 1:-10 ESV

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