Sunday, August 29, 2021

Good Book - Surprised by the Power of the Spirit - Dr. Jack Deere


This is a book I was reluctant to read, yet curiosity persisted and drove me to peruse its pages.  I'm glad I did.

Dr. Jack Deere, in his book Surprised by the Power of the Spirit, gives a somewhat autobiographical account of his "pendulum swing" from staunch conservative views in regards to the Holy Spirit and what He can and cannot do in post Bible time days, to a more "liberal" acceptance, that He is the same yesterday, today, and will still be tomorrow.  My experience very much mirrors Dr. Deere's.  Of course, I could not explain it nearly as effectively as he does, so you'll just have to read his book. 😊 BTW, he also does not swing too radically left.

Before getting too deeply into this book review, I'd like to insert a 'rule of thumb' I recently learned a wee bit more indepth about, for whenever we read God's word.  It is an important aspect of Bible reading that Dr. Deere also alludes to and notes that, when a person reads a single Bible verse, he or she should then read the context fore and aft of it.  Read also in context of the whole chapter, the specific book of the Bible it's from (its basic theme or purpose), and keeping in mind the whole word of God itself.  Do the thoughts the one verse generates in the mind, harmonize with the context nearby and as a whole of the rest of Scripture?  If it does, that's rightly dividing the word of God.  Theologians refer to this practice as 'hermeneutics'.  These guidelines are important so that there is less likelihood the reader does not misinterpret and/or misapply what the Lord is saying to the reader.  We must always keep this in mind when reading any portion of the Word of God.

Let's get back on track...

"Conservative" thought is all those signs and wonders purported and attributed to the Holy Spirit, mostly do not happen nowadays.  Deere gives detailed, supposed back up for these views that the staunch theological right have.  It is rather constrictive and does not allow the Holy Spirit's dynamic, everlasting power of God out of the rigid box they attempt to stuff Him into.

It is sad and it is confusing to one who really does "hear" from the Holy Spirit but then the mind says, "No that can't be, because we already have the complete word of God in the Bible and the Holy Spirit doesn't say much anymore."  This is putting it very simply.

On the other hand, those "Pentacostals" and  "that type" of thinking are way out of whack!  No way, cannot accept such "liberalism" and the staunch restricters look down their noses at these "fanatics," often with contempt.  In fact, folks are warned against being associated too closely with them.

Deere debunks much of this prejudice and has excellent blow-by-blow arguments to substantiate the excessive conservatism in what I'd say, in a Christ-like manner.  However, he also does give words of caution re:  some of the legitimate quibbles the right have in regards to the far left pendulum reach, or to it's misuses, and misapplied interpretations.  Some of this is rather deep so you'd need to read for yourself to follow his thesis.

It will be wonderful liberating knowledge and understanding to be able to freely "meet and greet" the Holy Spirit, daily, for ones own self.  I say this reverently as He is God the Holy Spirit.

If you've met God through faith in Jesus Christ, and have gotten to know Jesus as your Savior and Friend, You will get to know God, the Father and God, the Holy Spirit.  As you read more and learn more of God and Jesus, their character and attributes, you will surely come to understand, meet and value the Holy Spirit who indwells you.  You will learn to be more sensitive to His voice, leading, comfort, and counsel.  You will surely "be surprised" by His active power that is still mightily at work in you and that can and will, flow out to others.  Yes, even in signs, wonders, healings, knowledge about another's condition and needs, as well as ones own, if you are listening.  

I encourage believers from both sides of the pendulum swing to read this book.  It's eye-opening, revealing both sides' strengths and weaknesses.  We can learn more of God's grace, love and power and energize our spiritual life more in the way our heavenly Father intended us to have abundant life in Christ.

You won't be disappointed and I hope and pray you will learn not to be so afraid of the Holy Spirit and His workings within and through your life as you live to please the Lord Jesus; for His glory and honor.  May you continually be surprised by the active, working power of the Holy Spirit Who indwells you even in this day and age; Who is still performing many supernatural acts.

In Jesus' name, I ask our Heavenly Father.  


                                                   ~ERC  August 2021~

Note:  It would be helpful to read the book of Acts a few times in a row before reading this book.

P.S.   At the end of the main discussion, there are Appendices and Notes for further study on the subject.

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