Monday, August 2, 2021

Book Review - Look Grandma! Ni, Elisi - By Art Coulson - Publication Date 3 August 2021


One does not often hear of, read or see many children's books about the Native Americans.  Therefore, it was very pleasing to discover this educational story of a young Cherokee boy and to learn a bit of his culture and language.

Young Bo prepares to sell the marbles he had made at the Cherokee National Festival but cannot find a proper sized container in which to display them.  Encouraged by his Grandma, he goes on a hunt for one.  As he does, he "learns" some math:  shapes, sizes, volume and area, in a subliminal manner, until he finds just the right one.  During the Festival, the Cherokee play a traditional game of marbles, so Bo's sell well.

The end sections of Look Grandma!  Ni, Elisi includes a Glossary of Cherokee words used; a "Try This" hands-on math section; and a short explanation of the marble game.  This type of book is branded as, "Story Telling Math".  Incidently, the author of this book is Cherokee and the illustrator is from the Chickasaw Nation:  both Native Americans.  Added bonus.

                                                ~Eunice C., Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                                July 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy sent by the publisher.

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  1. Replies
    1. You are very welcome. I like these books that don't just tell a fun story but have other "backbone" in them as well.
