Thursday, August 12, 2021

Prayer - The Redeemed, Say So

Heavenly Father, when we consider Your steadfast love, which endures forever; that you never fail and that You never leave us nor forsake us; we, the redeemed of the Lord, through Jesus, want to, "say so".  We want to praise You for You are good and Your goodness leads us to repentance.  

We want to "say so" again and again.

You've "healed us," "delivered us from destruction" and when we cry out to You in our trouble, there You are again - "delivering from our distress".  We want to consider wisely Your ways and influence and help You give.  To consider during our good times so when things heat up we will recall Your steadfast love is still with us.  Each one of Your children, through salvation through Jesus Christ will be able to enumerate how You have helped them and kept them.

Many times when our struggles are so great we may fail to remember until we are at our most abject state; at the bottom of our "own-strength barrel" like the depiction in Psalm 107 where those on a ship being mercilously tossed about in turbulent, stormy walls of waves, where "courage melted" and the seamen ( & passengers) "reeled and staggered like drunken men" (v27), it was only then, "at their wits' end" that they cried out to You in their trouble, O LORD.

That is exactly what you want us to do, "cry out to you"!  You are there  -- at our wits' end.  Oh Your grace and mercy catches us time and again even if we've forgotten You for so long.  Praise the Lord, at least the "wits' end" person did cry out.

We have such a Savior; He allows us to still come to Him in our brokeness and despair.

Oh, thank-You, Father for Your ever-loving care and mercy in delivering us in our distress.  May we be trained by Your discipline and never forget to consider Your steadfast love, declaring it to others in testimony of Your goodness.

"May the redeemed of the Lord say so..." (Psalm 107:2 ESV).

                                                        ~ERC  April 2021~

Based on Psalm 107:1-43 ESV

Sing, Let the Redeemed of the Lord Say So, along with NewFelowship

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