Saturday, August 14, 2021

Prayer - Fasting 'Til Gaunt

 The doctor pointedly said, "Runners have very little fat on their bodies.  Look at me.  I run.  My body is very lithe."

"But, my knee!" complained the patient.

"Oh," was the docter's rebuttal, "most runners don't have knee problems either."

No excuses allowed.  Exercise is a must.

There is, another way to become 'fat-less' and it's not through dieting nor exercising per se.  Lest one thinks there's an "easy way out" - I know, right...sigh...-it's called, "fasting".

Fasting with purpose but not for the purpose of losing fat; that is only a by product.  The real purpose, as in the psalmist's case, was to beseech his heavenly Father, God.  To  build, maintain, nourish, and be in tune with Him, through relationship, through forsaking all else, even food; to concentrate on, develop and ascertain God's will in his life.

David wrote in Psalm 109:24 ESV,

"My knees are weak through fasting; my body has become gaunt with no fat."

Why was all this turbulent trouble happening to him?!  Why does it happen to us?

Do we seek the Lord our God's help and will with such purpose and singleness of mind over sustained periods of time?  There is no joking here; very serious with God.

David's life was one continual plight, so it seemed.  Maybe even some of his gauntness was due to not having food available while on the run.  Whatever, he knew where his Help came from.  Turn, turn, turn, to Him oh people of God.  He is the same Help for us, as He was David's.

Seek the Lord with fasting until you are gaunt if need be.

O, Lord God, our Heavenly Father, may we each learn to beseech You and seek You with such deep sincerity to the point of "fasting til gaunt'.  It is in and through Your Son Jesus Christ we come before You, redeemed with the precious blood of Christ.  Thank-You for Your mercy and grace and steadfast love which propeled all this action on our behalf.  You have washed and saved us through Him.  Therefore, we also seek Your help in our great times of need and anguish.  Hopefully, we seek You with all our hearts as Your ears are always open to our SOS cries.  May the only "fat" we have, be "fatness & prosperity of soul and spirit," in our relationship and reliance upon You, our Abba Father, in both our good and bad times.

                                                    ~ERC  April 2021~

Based on Psalm 109:1-31 ESV, esp vs 24.

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