Saturday, July 31, 2021

Prayer - Deeds Among His People

Heavenly Father, its always great to have another history lesson of Your "deeds among the peoples".  When these deeds are enumerated and delineated we can sing praises to You for "all Your wondrous works" in our lives.

Glory be to Your holy Name oh LORD God.  May we seek You and let our hearts rejoice in You, in Your strength, in all those "wondrous works" and miracles; promises; everlasting life; as we walk this often dreary wilderness of life for some 40, 60, 70, or 80 years; more or less.

Thank-You Father for the joy You bring us,  may we too, be characterized with singing as Your chosen Israelite people of old were, as they took possession of all You gave them.  You did all this for them so that they would keep Your statutes and observe Your laws.

The many spiritual blessings you have given to Your children now who are "in Christ" have been listed by the apostle Paul in Ephesian 1, for starters.  You had it all planned even before You set the foundations of earth in place.  You chose us!

You chose us to be "holy and blameless" in Your sight.  You chose the Israelites for such a purpose too:  

"to keep [Your] statues and observe [Your] laws" (v. 46).  

If they had and we too, do now, follow Your will and ways; there will be joy and there will be holiness.

Then as we recount Your deeds we can sing our praises from sincere hearts, to You.  One of the most importat deeds You did, was to send Your Son Jesus to earth, to become the sacrificial Lamb providing salvation:  forgiveness of sins; eternal life, reconciliation between You and Your human creatures!  This, so we could have relationship with You; to come boldly into Your presence and commune wherever and whenever and about whatever.  This is so much already!

Your "salvation package" of deeds done includes so, so much.  To name a few:

-assauged the wrath of God

-made righteous in God's sight

-cleansed by the blood of the Lamb

-forgave us and brought us near to God

-can show the Lord's death until He comes

There are so many, many more; I have about 20 pages worth of points written out of what Jesus' death and resurrection have accomplished for those of us, who through faith, have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior.  Listing these deeds of "blessings" in Christ that come with the salvation package, are so infinitely comprehensive and holistic.  I'm not yet finished listing and counting these blessing deeds, either.  We rejoice and are glad for this sampling.

These do not include our day-to-day blessings and mercies of daily living:  our next breath, food, shelter, clothing (the basics); safety on the roads as we travel to and from; recovery from illness; the help friends give us, perhaps prompted by Your Holy Spirit; rain and sunlight for crops to harvest and flowers to bloom; a faithful husband/breadwinner who for 30 years or more did not stop at the pub on payday and drink up those earnings, nor gambled them away -- no he brought the "bacon" home; that wife who cooked and cleaned and also was faithful to her spouse -- WOW, Lord!  The list goes on and on.  Such wonderful deeds to Your children. Bless You.

Because of all these, we 

"give thanks to You, LORD, and call upon [Your] name..." (Psalm 105:1 ESV),

and we pray that we, Your children will cherish every single one of those deeds by keeping Your 

"statutes and observing [Your] laws" (Psalm 105:4 ESV),

and by singing Your praises.

Praise the LORD!

In Jesus' name we sing, praise and pray with grateful hearts.

                                                   ~ERC  April 2021~

Based on Psalm 105:1-45 (ESV).

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