Monday, August 23, 2021

Prayer - Smiles of Delight


"Great are Your works O Lord!"  We delight in them.  There is no end of them and therefore we do not run out of delight.

When we gaze up into the morning sky and see clouds unfurled in billows of "fluff" or scuttling in tumbling formations, twirled in currents of strongly moving air, we "ooh" and "aaah" at the glorious tableaux, smiles of delight illuminating our countenances.

As sprigs of mint scent the ground and gardeners touch, or as bravely sprouting crocuses peep up and out, through lingering snow, bring joyful  splashes of color, we study them with delight and hope and kick out winter kinks in our legs and body joints.  We may even cavort a Spring dance.  Delight again.

Great are Your works, oh Lord!  When we study them may we be reminded of You.  May we turn our delight to You, not just Your creation, which is indeed "full of splendor and majesty" (vs 3).  May we woship and praise You.

May we remember Your righteousness, graciousness and how merciful You are.  "You provide food for those who fear You".  Not only that, You provide even for those who don't; even those who glory in Your creation and who "ooh" and "aah" but don't lift their lives and eyes up to You, nor acknowledge You, the Creator of all those wondrous works of Your hand.  You feed them too, like You did for the vast multitude of the children of Israel in their 40 year trek through the wilderness.  Manna rained down.  Quails came.  They often forgot Your strong hand Who fed them.

You rememberred the covenant You had with them even though they "forgot" it time and again.  May we, Your children through Jesus not forget You.  May we not be distracted by the beauty You display in twice daily panorama kaleidoscopes of sunrises and sunsets.  May we remember You are the Masterr "painter" and it is to You, Your faithfulness and uprightness in Whom and in which we need to delight.

Why?  Because, You sent Jesus our Redeemer and offered us salvation and to be sealed with Your Holy Spirit guaranteeing the inheritance we have in You.

May one and all of Your children, through Jesus, have the fear of the Lord coursing through their hearts and minds, souls and spirits.  It is in this we have the beginning of wisdom and will have good understanding when we "practice" it.

May we praise You and praise You for ever and ever.  May the beauty and wonder of creation, the works of Your hands, ever turn us to You as often as needed - like, daily...

May our thoughts of You and all You do for those of us who fear You, put continual smiles of delight upon our faces, until Jesus comes for us.  Perhaps Today.

Lastly, may the whole congregation of those who fear You, give You thanks and praise with our whole hearts for it is in Jesus' most precious name we ask.

                                                       ~ERC  April 2021~

Based on Psalm 111:1-10 ESV

Sing, Great Indeed Are Your Works, Oh Lord, along with, God's Apostle.  

Please focus on the lyrics not on the picture which I'm sorry about.  Some people do not like to see the picture of Jesus.  

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