Saturday, August 7, 2021

A. D. - The Year of Our Lord


Which do you prefer:  the Glory of God or the beauty of a Golden Ox?  We know which should be the answer:  the Glory of God.  Nevertheless, our hearts are so deceptive and even unintentionally we may discover we have exchanged that desire and focus of worship from the Glory of God  to be bestowed, rather, upon the Golden Ox!

It may come as a shock to ourselves, or maybe because someone felt, "look at all the trouble I'm in, God doesn't seem to care."  So things slide and the golden ox glitters.

God sees, hears, knows, cares, loves, has arms that surround us; we have His word at our disposal -- don't dispose of it.  An ox, golden or not, is just that:  wooden, plastic or a "lump of gold".  It cannot see, hear, speak, taste, touch or feel.

Many will know that the Chinese Lunar Calendar years have a cycle of twelve different "animal-characterized zodiac years.  One will be asked, "Are you a Rat, Ox, Tiger, ...Dragon, etc?"

Then, now and again, about every 60 years, there is a "golden" year of each one.  That is, every twelve years will be a different type of dragon, rabbit, etc which goes according to the elements: gold, water, wood, fire, earth, and then back to gold and so the cycle repeats.  The best, of course, is gold; a golden dragon, the best of the best!  (Please note, this is a very basic explanation.) If one happens to be born in such a year -- oh wow!  Such a "lucky," auspicious personage!

Another note is that in NO WAY does this article wish to offend the Chinese sensibilities.  Far be the thought!  What I'm about to say is aimed at those who are believers in Jesus Christ; yes, my heart is with the ethnic Chinese Christians, but this could also relate to anyone who has dabbled, is dabbling, or is considering to dabble (or more) into horoscopes no matter be it Chinese Zodiac or other.

Many may have been brought up under this influence and have been guided thereby.  However, whether one is a first, second, third, etc generation believer in Jesus Christ, one must capture the zodiac thinking and abolish it.  It is in Christ and for Christ we now should stand.  Be guided by God's Word and His Holy Spirit's convictions.

If someone asks "What are you? A boar, dragon, tiger or so on, reject it outright. I recall  that one of my children was to be born in, not only a dragon year, which was auspicious enough to the Chinese mind, but on top of that, it was a "golden" year.  A Christian was so excited for me.  She exclaimed,  "You are going to have a golden dragon!"  Of course, I knew what she meant but I was still aghast!  Someone who claimed to belong to the Lord Jesus Christ, and be guided by God's Word and His Holy Spirit, said such to me!?  She was not joking.  My droll retort, sad to say, was not very gracious, "I was kind of hoping to have a human baby."

It was her turn to be startled!

I have not heard much preaching from the pulpit re: these things.  Perhaps if it was, many first generation (and more) believers in Jesus Christ could be taught to align themselves more fully with and be more greatly influenced by, the Holy Scriptures of God, the Bible, and allow His words and the Holy Sirit to lead and guide them in their life no matter what year they have been born in  Is it not, the Year of our Lord:  A. D. 1960, 1998, 2000, 2021...?

Christians, do not 

"exchange the "glory of God for the image of an ox that eats grass" (Psalm 106:20 ESV).

No matter your ethnic backgrounds do not,

"...forget God your Savior who has done great things..." (Psalm 106:21 ESV),

for you wherever you have come from and wherever you are currently going.

Remember what year you were born in;  A.D:  The Year of our Lord!  Choose the glory of God.  Serve Him alone.  Worship Him alone.  Be guided by Him alone.

                                                       ~ERC  April 2021~

Based on Psalm 106:20-21 (ESV).

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