Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Prayer - The Great Awakening


How many of your hate alarm clocks?  I do, in a most radical way.  Yes, they are necessary evils but that which jolts one so rudely out of blessed sleep is a huge annoyance.

Not sure what David the Psalmist used to pry himself out of bed with each morning but whatever it was, he woke up in a rather pleasant and praising form.  He was one of those early riser morning people!

He had a secret to his attitude that could be the key.  In Psalm 108 he wrote his prayer song dedication,

"My heart is steadfast...I will...I will...I will...I will." (Psalm 105:1-3 NIV).

He had decided and determined in his heart to, 

"sing and make music with all his soul"; "awaken the dawn" (not the dawn's early light waking him); "praise You, O LORD among the nations" and "sing of You among the people" (vs 2, 3 NIV).

David's music was the "alarm clock" not just for himself and his household but for the "nations" and "peoples" in general.  How do you like that?!

A couple of years ago, there was a harpist who came to the house once per week and played for an hour for someone in the household.  Those within hearing range surreptitously listened and were also blessed by the melodious strains of a variety of harpy music.  It was very calming and soothing; it would sometimes lull one to sleep.

Interesting.  That's my kind of alarm clock.  Ha, ha.  Must be the reason David would then play the lyre - perhaps with a livier tune to reawake everyone.

This reminds me about a longer ago occasion, in the misty past of our family visiting another family during winter school break.  In the stillness of not-so-early new day, came the sounds of hymns trippling along piano keys.  One hymn.  Two hymns, Three hymns...

Oh so delightful!  Even as a child I thought so.  It sure did gladden the heartstrings and when the clarion call of the hostess-pianist came on the heels of hymns, it was not with begruding hearts that mountains of blankets were thrown back, children hastily dressing and skipping down to the dining table.  Ten children of varying ages, sleepy-eyed, on the verge of smiling, sitting silently waiting for the blessing.

What a wise hostess mother that 'aunt' was (& still is)!  Beaming, satisfied, contented, she looked down the laden table to her husband to say the verbal blessing for what we were about to partake.

She sure knew how to "awake the dawn".  She'd been up and at 'em for a spell already, able to provide that table spread for the troops. (No doubt my Mom helped her but it was her domain and she was at the homeside helm.)

What a blessing to her husband, family and friends!

After the "great awakening" David gave in his time; praising the LORD his God, he asked for help, for rescue, for aid, against the enemy (v 12).  David realized that he (and all mankind) needed God's intervention.  He acknowledged that the "help of man" is "worthless" (v. 12).

Men try to save themselves in a variety of ways and in their own strength.  David knew and was assured that this was "worthless".  He said, 

"...with God we will gain the victory, He will trample down our enemies" (v.13 NIV).

In God's strength we are strong and gain victories.  This too, is a great thing to remember  and make a habit of acknowledging in pre-dawn and dawn awakenings.  In Christ we have the victory.  Go to Him and seek His aid, daily.  Likely our hostess had done similar and therein lay her strength.

Abba Father, we look forward to Your "great awakening"; trumpet blasts!  The dead in Christ arise and join together with those of us in Christ, who are still alive at the time, and to meet the Lord in the air; to be with Him forever.  Now that is something to "wake up" to!  Then what feasts and songs of joy we'll have!  Can't wait!

Until then, Lord, keep us awake and alert and leaning on You because only with You will we do valiantly!  Keep us awake to "enemies" that would come in to divert and destroy our faith, hope and love of You and Your Son Jesus Christ.  Use  whatever "alarm clock" You need to do it but have mercy.  May we wake up to live holy lives for You and sing of Your great steadfast love, giving You thanks for our salvation; Your faithfulness; Your wonders of creation and for all You do for us on a daily basis.  So happy we can be in Your family.  We await Your "Great Awakening".

Come, Lord Jesus.

                                                           ~ERC  April 2021~

Based on Psalm 108:1-13 (ESV/NIV)

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