Friday, August 27, 2021

Prayer - The Barren Woman's Joy


Heavenly Father, as we peek or pry open our eyes at the rising of the sun, may we actually praise You, because Your Name is to be praised!  Blessed is Your name above all others!  Your name and Your glory are forevermore.

You look far down from Heaven, with love and care and compassion that is not only international but "inter-galactal;" -- all the way from Heaven to Earth!  You lift the poor and needy up from degrading circumstance and sit them among the royalty of Your sons and daughters, in Christ.  For this we give You praise, especially when You get us to do some of that "lifting".

Another thing You see is the barren woman.  Oh how she desparately wants to have the joy of motherhood, of holding a wee one in her arms.  Praise You Father, You do, do this!

We think of Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, Mrs. Manoah, Hannah, and Elizabeth; women of the Bible to whom You brought joy and laughter.  This after years of barreness, despondancy and what they felt as disgrace of not being able to bear a child.  They had come to the years that brought many of them beyond usual child-bearing years; for example, Sarah was 90 years old!  Old apparently, even for those ancient times.

You are still doing this for many women; opening their wombs, giving them a home and making them the "joyous mothers of children".  I salute them all.  I even salute those who have adopted babies or more grown children into a "barren" nest.  

I salute those women who may not even be married but who have chosen to foster and/or adopt children and raise them up in the nuture of the Lord.  These women can be termed as "barren" too, but they opened their home for this noble and challenging role.  An excellent example is of Amy Carmichael, who chose to 'adopt' hundreds of children in India.  I also know of  others who have done similarly, just not quite so many children.  

No wonder we can praise You and join those mothers in joyful rejoicing for those miracles only You can create.  May they each be able to "burst into song".

We praise You Father God in Jesus' most precious name.

Praise the Lord!

                                                       ~ERC  Apil 2021~

Based on Psalm 113:1-9 ESV; Isaiah 54:1.

The at first, childless couples, & the eventual child(ren):

1.  Abraham & Sarah = Isaac

2.  Isaac & Rebekah = Esau and Jacob

3.  Jacob & Rachel = Joseph, and Benjamin

4.  Manoah & Zlelponi = Samson

5.  Elkanah & Hannah = Samuel

6.  Zechariah & Elizabeth = John the Baptizer

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