Friday, August 20, 2021

Safely Sealed Inheritance


We have heard, believed and have been sealed, given guarantee of a coming inheritance.  This will be acquired, or consummated, in God's good time.  Praise Him and His glory.

You might ask what was heard, believed and has been sealed?  Well the beauty and assurance of it all is this, that the Ephesians, wrote Paul the apostle, had

 "heard the word of truth, the gospel of salvation".

That was and still is very good news to one and all ever after.  What's more, they had believed in this gospel of salvation through Jesus Chist,

"...and believed in Him,"

as the verse continues.  This in turn precipitated being,

"...sealed with the promised Holy Spirit."

When a tomb, or a letter, or some top secret document is "sealed," it is meant to be secure; to be kept safely until the rightful person breaks or opens that seal.  Safely sealed...

In this case, a safely sealed inheritance.  What's more, again, the Holy Spirit is our

"...guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it..." (Ephesians 1:13-14 ESV).

When God gives a gift, He does so thoroughly.  

Another question you might ask is, "What is this inheritance?"  "What makes it so special that the inheritor would want it?"

Most may, land, housing, business, estates, and so on.  What has God our Heavenly Father bestowed upon us, His children through Christ?

We get Heaven!  We get HIM!

This inheritance is "imperishable, undefiled, and unfading".  It is also being "kept" in heaven (1 Peter 1:4 ESV).

Heaven, kept in Heaven?  This is intriguing.  Heaven and all that entails, but most and best of all is, Jesus Christ and our everlasting life He obtained for us on the cross.  Christ is our "unending possession".  This is all secure.  No one can touch or spoil or steal it.  It's being reserved for each one of us who have heard, and believed the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ and have been sealed with His Holy Spirit (Matthew 6:20, John 10:28-29; 2 Corinthians 4:18; Revelation 21:14).

Are you looking forward to acquiring, to the cosummation of having acquired, rather, such an inheritance?  I am.

Paul really knew how to encourage his fellow believer-inheritors.  May we each take heart too.  This inheritance has already been "obtained" (Ephesians 1:11).  We have been predestined to recieve it due to our adoption into His family.  This is God's will - literally and figuratively - for us.

Be at peace, you have a safely sealed inheritance.  Some day soon, very soon, we are going to meet the King face to face and we will "acquire this heavenly kept possession" from Him, in full measure.  Praise His holy name.  This is all to the "praise of His glory". He will not change His will; never let us down.

  "He faileth not" (Zephaniah 3:5 KJV).

Think on all these blessings we have in Christ.  May your hearts be warmed with the knowledge and joy of it.  Thank Him. Praise the Lord.

                                                          ~ERC  April 2021~

Based on Ephesians 1:11-14 ESV.

Sing, Soon & Very Soon, along with Andae Crouch.

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