Friday, August 6, 2021

Prayer - Towards Holiness

our God, we give You thanks and praise for Your steadfast love, for all the mighty deeds You do in our lives, for the justice You give and that, most of all, You are righteous all together!  Holy.   What a wonderful Heavenly Father You are to us, Your children through Jesus Christ.  We rejoice and have gladness due to Your salvation and all You orchestrate in our lives.

Your forgiveness is also up there high on that list of "blessings in Christ" because without that, we are 'a gonner'!  We sin, commit iniquity despite those wondrous works You work in abundance in our lives.  Yet because of the redemption through Jesus we are forgiven; we are purified of any stain (1 John 1:9).

We forget but You never fail us when we come back to You in genuine repentance of mind and heart.  When our first love of Jesus wanders and goes after "golden oxen",  oh Father God, even when we forget You and Jesus our Savior,  Your grace, Your mercy and yes, steadfast love and forgiveness are held out for us, time and again.

Thank-You, Father!

Thank-You, Jesus!

You do not turn us away.  You never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:).  You do not destroy us.  The blood of Jesus Christ - the most wondrous work wrought for mankind on the cross of Calvary, has brought Your children forgiveness, reconciliation and restoration of relationship with You.

May we rid ourselves of any idols, oxen or otherwise, from our lives.  Let not our enemies triumph over us but the working and convicting of Your Holy Spirit within us with His dynamic power and our willing heart cooperation bring about that progressive sanctification holiness You desire for us.

Gather us together to give thanks to You and your holy name through Jesus; to You and you alone, the glory, blessing and praise due to You forever more.

"Let all Your people, indeed, say, "Amen!" and "Praise the Lord!"

We give thanks to You Lord, through Jesus' precious name because You are good.

                                                       ~ERC  April 2021~

Based on Psalm 106:1-48 (ESV).

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