Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Book Review - Holy Hot Mess - Mary Katherine Backstrom - Publication Date: 3 August 2021


Mary Katherine (MK) strikes again!  Yes, that MK of the laughing videos and interview with Ellen.  Ladies, watch out!  She'll have you belly-laughing, so if you have "leaky valves", take precautions.  There is method and meaning to her hilarious humor.  That is where the 'holy' comes in.  With Jesus, to Whom MK directs the reader, helps make sense out of the hectic and/or hurting lives that seem to be one of mess after mess.  Lighten your load and nourish your soul, as expressed by MK in her book, you'll find, 

"glimpses of God in the mess, "

and that,

"He's got us in His hands" (Chapter 16, page 20).

Comforting thoughts.

                                              ~Eunice C., - Reviewer/Blogger~

                                                          July 2021

Disclaimer:  This is my honest opinion based on the review copy given by the publisher.

Book Review in Goodreads for Holy Hot Mess

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