Thursday, March 7, 2024

Nazirite Vow - Part 6 - Hannah (Numbers 6)


"The LORD said to Moses, "Speak to the Israelites and say to them, 'If a man or woman wants to make a special vow, a vow of separation to the LORD as a Nazirite, he must abstain from wine and other fermented drink ...'" (Numbers 6:1-21 NIV).

Last but not least in this series of Nazirite individuals, it gives me much pleasure to make mention of Hannah, Samuel's mother.  She is the one who made the Nazirite Vow commitment for her son.  Many of us would baulk at such a thing.  Could the child not make his or her own decision?!  It's one thing for God to decree such a thing, but one's own parents?

In fact, I once met a Korean family who told me that they had dedicated their then young but eldest daughter to be a doctor.  I asked in my mind, "How could you do this to her!  Doesn't she get to choose her own path?"

Thinking back on this in light of Hannah and Samuel, I now perceive a different perspective. That family was not doing this just for material gain or pride of face so they could boast, "We have a doctor in the family."  No, I think this was going to be a dedicated mission or ministry for her.  The daughter's  choice would come as to whether to accept it or not, yes, but also in how and where to use her doctor skills.

That was many years ago and if she chose to accept her parents dedication over her, she would likely be going about her doctoring ministry today.  Unfortunately, I've lost contact with this family so I do not know how it turned out.

I'd like to believe that like Samuel, this daughter is now faithfully dedicated and commited to what her parents had purposed before God for her life's mission vow.  In truth, I'm not sure if they made an actual vow about it as Hannah had done but because of their own personal commitments to the Lord, I assume they may well have. 

Hannah kept her word and commitment as we see her making a yearly trek to the temple, not only to worship God but to see her son.  She even made a yearly coat for him.  She saw it through to the end even though it must have torn her heart to leave her three year old son behind with Eli at the Tabernacle when she returned home; staying true to her vow.  Additionally, it must have warmed her heart to see Samuel's steadfastness before the Lord year after year.  What a mother's reward that must have been!

It is a serious matter when we make Nazirite-like vows before the Lord.  Even in this day and age we won't always realize what all they will entail so should not take or make such vows lightly.  As we separate ourselves to the Lord for His purposes, He'll take it seriously, so should we.

Father in Heaven, we come before You today and want to dedicate our lives to You in ever increasing manner.  Help us Father as we do not always know what will befall us when we make such commitments to separate ourselves to You for Your work and for holy living.  We cling to and depend upon You as we seek Your wisdom and staying power.  Be the anchor of our souls as we live and work to honor You as we further Your kingdom.  In Jesus' name we pray and praise.  Amen.

                                                        ~ERC  February 2024~

Based on Numbers 6:1-21 NIV.

Sing as a prayer of commitment, I Surrender All, along with Reawaken Hymns.

See also:

Nazirite Vow - Part 1 - Introduction

Nazirite Vow - Part 2 - Samson

Nazirite Vow - Part 3 - Samuel

Nazirite Vow - Part 4 - John the Baptizer

Nazirite Vow - Part 5 - Jesus' Disciples and Paul

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