Sunday, March 31, 2024

Lord's Day Devotion - Interceding For Us (Hebrews 7)


"Because Jesus lives forever, He has a permanent priesthood.  Therefore He is able to save completely those who come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede for them" (Hebrews 7:24& 25 NIV).

Jesus' qualifications to make it His permanent work to intercede for those who have faith in Him come from His living forever thereby enabling Him to have that permanent priesthood.  What's more, the phrase saves completely completes the total package.  Having such access to Jesus' intercession on the believers' behalf will never be unavailable.

Life with Christ is never at a half measure, at least coming from His side of the relationship.  Words like permanent, forever, completely and always, give us this broad confidence to trust this Intercessor who interceded on our behalf.  Jesus lives to do this for us.  It's His thing.

So there we can see Him up there in heaven at the right hand of God speaking good words about us (see Hebrews 1:33 & Acts 2:33).  He's on our side because we have come to God through Him.

This being saved is not a half-baked job either.  NO.  He "saves completely".  Our sin, sorrows and suffering were all borne by Jesus our Savior (see Isaiah 53:4, 6, 10 & 12).  These Isaiah verses are so very familiar to us that we may take them for granted and skim lightly over them.  Reread them through again.  Impress them upon your hearts and minds what it is exactly saying.    What has our Intercessor done for us?

"He bore the sin of many and made intercession for the transgressors" (Isaiah 53:12).

Like David penned in Psalm 51:1 & 2, Jesus,

"blotted out my transgressions and cleansed me from my sin".

Jesus' initial interceding for us is big.  And when we have a broken, contrite and repentant heart, God will not despise us (see Psalm 51:17).

This was David's consolation and ours too, today.

He blots out our transgressions.

I cannot get this into my mind enough.  As we cry out for His mercy, He hears us and has already answered us through Jesus' sacrifice on our behalf.  Our blessed Savior not only took the transgressions but He took up and carried our weaknesses and sorrows (see Isaiah 53:4 NLT, NIV).  

What are your weaknesses?  He's carrying them.  What are your sorrows?  He's carrying those too.

Transgressions, weaknesses and sorrows are all part of what and how Jesus intercedes for each and every believer who has put their hope, trust and faith in Him.  It is always ongoing, permanent and forever!  Praise the Lord.  

Say, "Hallelujah!"

Whilst here on earth it is so comforting to live every day knowing Jesus is there for us.  He made all our sins and sorrows His very own.  He was made sin for us!!

What is your response to Him?

David's sin had been very wicked - adultery and murder.  He repented and God forgave Him and blotted out His transgression.  Still, though, he had to take the punishment for his wicked wrongs, the life of four of his sons were taken (see 2 Samuel 12:1-10 & 13 & 14).

Then David wrote Psalm 51, crying out for God's mercy.  It is a Psalm prayer we also have access to, along with God's mercy and forgiveness when we truly repent.

Let us partake of the bread and drink of wine this Lord's Day, with all this action on Jesus' part in mind.  Remember He is interceding for us still up there at the right hand of God.

Give thanks with a grateful, purified and surrendered heart.

Lord Jesus, we cannot fully imagine all the sorrow You went through in carrying our sins and sorrows upon Yourself.  We can only humbly give You our grateful thanks and praise for it all.  Also for Your forgiveness and ongoing interceding.  What a great Intercessor You are!  Thank You from the bottom of our hearts.  In Your name we give our grateful thanks.  Amen.

                                                  ~ERC  March 2024~

Based on Hebrews 7:7, 24-25 NIV.

Sing, Hillsong Worship Christian Worship songs.  Worship Him.

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