Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Unshakeable Hope (Hebrews 6)

 Hope is not always a sure thing.  We can hope it doesn't rain so we can go on that picnic at the beach with our children.  We can hope we can have an extra wedge of apple pie after dinner or get that longed for promotion.  These do not always happen though, so in life we need to learn not to obsess on our expectations, rather put our trust and hope in God.

Hope in God is always a sure thing just like all His unshakeable promises.  You can read about some of them in the God's Unshakeable Promises article.  God never lies.

What is this hope?  It is putting ones faith in Jesus Christ our living hope.  Besides eternal life He gives us His righteousness (see 2 Corinthians 5:21).

We do not have to do a bunch of good works to make ourselves good enough for Jesus to accept us.  NO.  Jesus is our righteousness and source of living hope.  When we put our faith and hope in Him, He gives us His rigthteousness.  What's more, through His Holy Spirit He transforms our character and how we behave because He forgives us and we become His child (see John 1:12-13).

Hope is something we can't see with our eyes but when we hope in Jesus it becomes an unshakeable bond.  Our hope comes through the forgiveness of our sins and His giving us eternal life, which in turn, comes from God.

Going to be with Jesus is our future but we have to have faith and learn to await God's timing.  In the meantime, curry patience and strengthen your hope in Him.

Abraham and Noah were righteous men who had faith in God.  It took time but God fulfilled His promises to them.  Zacchaeus, the short man who climbed a tree, did so because he hoped Jesus would pass by and he could get a glimpse of Him.

Jesus' hope for Zacchaeus was that he would repent of his wrongs and become righteous, which he did.  Before that he'd been a greedy man who cheated people out of their hard-earned money.  He paid it back, having taken hold of the unshakeable hope in Jesus (see Luke 19:1-10).

Wait and see what God will do for you when you put your hope in Him.  Trust in Jesus' unshakeable hope He offers you.

Heavenly Father, in You we do put our hope.  We have confidence in You through Jesus, knowing that what You say You'll do, You'll do.  This hope of eternal life and of transformation is sure because You do not lie.  Thank You for Your Holy Spirit's help too who convicts and brings us to repentance.  Help us each to take firm hold of this hope until You come for us and may it burn strong within us.  In Jesus' name we ask.  Amen.

                                                      ~ERC  March 2024~

Based on Hebrews 6:14, 18; Romans 4:6 and Hebrews 11:1.

Sing, Living Hope, along with Phil Wickham.

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