Thursday, March 21, 2024

Meeting on Purpose (Numbers 7)


Moses started it.  Oh but maybe not totally exactly him.  Didn’t Adam do it too? That’s right, a meeting with God in the ‘cool of the day’ for Adam (see Genesis 3:8) and Moses in his prepared place, the tent of meeting (Exodus 33:7-11).

 It had been their habits and wont to converse and commune with the LORD; Adam among the Garden of Eden foliage and Moses in the tent he had set up for that particular purpose of meeting with God and hearing from Him.

“Now Moses used to take a tent and pitch it outside the camp some distance away, calling it ‘tent of meeting’.  Anyone inquiring of the LORD would go to the tent of meeting outside the camp.  And whenever Moses went out to the tent, all the people rose and stood at the entrance to their tents, watching Moses until he entered the tent … The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend …” (Exodus 33:7-11).

 Moses’ purpose produced a tent - so simple and nothing fancy - in which to meet God.  He placed it at a distance from the main camp, no doubt reducing daily distractions so as to pay more focused attention.  

 Anyone could go there though, to inquire of the LORD.  When Moses went, everyone took notice.  The people of Israel stood up at their own family tent and watched.  When they saw the pillar of cloud, they knew God had showed up too.  They worshipped Him then (see Exodus 33:10).

 What Moses set in place for himself, God honored.  He honored it by showing up and speaking face to face with Moses.  Isn’t God so gracious!  Moses had picked the time and place and God had come to the appointment.

 God liked this idea of Moses’ and expanded it, fleshing it out and prescribing holy boundaries and bringing the tent of meeting place into the camp.  It was like God’s official stamp of approval.

 God centralized it and had all of Israel set up their tents around the enlarged Tabernacle or tent of meeting.    God had pitched HIS tent smack dab in the middle.  He was so pleased they wanted to meet with Him, and interact, converse and commune with Him.  It was like Him saying, “You wanted me to come, so I come on a grand scale.  No mistaking my desire to be with you all.  I will be in your midst.  Gather around me.  I’m here.”

 What is your heart’s desire?

 Metaphorically speaking, do you have a pitched tent?  He’s just waiting for you to show your hand.  You beckon, He’ll come.

 Looking at Numbers 7:89, we see Moses’ practice was still in practice from his earlier days.

“When Moses entered the tent of Meeting to speak with the LORD, he heard the voice speaking to him from between the two cherubim above the atonement cover on the ark of the Testimony (Covenant).  And he spoke with him.”

 God was still showing up and so was Moses.  He was still listening and hearing from God.  As we progress through life, we can continue such a practice, meeting up with our Heavenly Father - meeting Him on purpose.

 Heavenly Father, I’m so glad You still wish to commune and converse with me.  I like meeting and talking with You.  I’ll try to learn to listen more though and to remove distractions that pull at my eyes, ears, time and attention.  As Samuel once said to You,

“Speak Lord, for Your servant is listening” (see 1 Samuel 3:7-11).

 In Jesus’ name I come to You.  Amen.

                              ~ ERC  March 2024 ~

Based on Numbers 7:89 and Exodus 88:7-11.

Sing, The Savior is Waiting, along with ber cap.


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