Monday, March 4, 2024

Nazirite Vow - Part 4 - John the Baptizer (Numbers 6)


"The Lord said to Moses, "Speak to the Israelites and say to them:  'If a man or woman wants to make a special vow, a vow of separation to the LORD as a Nazirite, he must abstain from wine and other fermented drink ...'" (Numbers 6:1-21 NIV).

John the Baptizer was designated a Nazirite by God from birth (see Luke 1:14 & 15).  He remained faithful and true to his calling as forerunner of Jesus Christ throughout his time on earth.  I have great respect for him because he hadn't asked for it but took up the role seemingly without question or hesitation.   Therefore, I  can understand some of his disappointment and the doubts wavering through his mind about Jesus' identity.  If Jesus wasn't really the Messiah, then  John the Baptizer's life ministry and guidance of pointing others to this Lamb of God, would have been in vain.  He seemed to have felt his integrity was at stake.  Compounding that, had his ministry been worthwhile, it feels like he was also asking.  

I may be putting words in John the B's mouth but sometimes we too may feel like we've gotten it wrong.  Did the Holy Spirit really guide me and set me apart in this direction to fulfil this mission?  When the going gets tough our minds can sway, where once upon a time we were fully convinced we were on the right track.  John the Baptizer sent some of his followers to Jesus to ascertain and confirm his original belief that Jesus was truly the Lamb of God and Messsiah - the One that should come.  Jesus' gracious answer was both an admonition as well as a comfort of confirmation that he had gotten it right.

When we reach out to the Lord, seeking Him and His direction and re-confirmation, He hears and I believe answers will come.  Don't fall away, fulfil the vow time period and  wait for His reply (see Matthew 11:2-6 and Luke 7:18-23).

Father God, You are ever faithful yet at times we have doubts that swirl within us about the vows and commitments we make to You.   You know our feeble humanness so I'm thankful, that like the gracious answer Jesus gave John the Baptizer, You will give us answers too.  May we listen for the still small voice and whispers of Your Holy Spirit and follow His guidance in our lives, overcoming our disappointments and doubts especially in times when the going gets rough and tough.  May our separation to You be holy all our lifetime through until Jesus calls us up to be with Him.  I ask in Jesus' precious name, amen.

                                                    ~ERC  February 2024~

Based on Numbers 6:1-21 NIV.

Sing, I am Thine, O Lord, along with Hymnal.

See also,

Nazirite Vow - Part 1 - Introduction

Nazirite Vow - Part 2 - Samson

Nazirite Vow - Part 3 - Samuel

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