Monday, March 25, 2024

God's Unshakeable Promises (Hebrews 6)


WHEN someone keeps their promise to you it feels really good.  Sometimes though, through no real fault of their own, those promises do get broken.  They didn’t purposely break that promise to meet you for afternoon tea or for that game of badminton but some unforeseen circumstance came along so the promise didn’t get fulfilled.

 With God, we don’t have to worry about that.  His promises never ever get broken, no matter what.

“For no matter how many promises God has made they are “Yes” in Christ …” (2 Corinthians 1:20).

 All God’s promises are guaranteed and confirmed.  They are certain and sure, like an anchor that keeps a ship from floating away.  For example, God’s promise to Abraham was kept although it may have looked like it wasn’t.  Abraham was so old that he biologically couldn’t have a son.  But God promised he would anyway and that his descendants would be too many to count!

 Could you have believed this for yourself?

 It may have been hard to believe but read this …Twenty-five years after God had promised, Abraham did have a son whom he named Isaac.

 Isaac got married and had the twins Esau and Jacob.  Following God’s chain of descendants, Jacob got married and had twelve sons and one daughter.  Before they knew it, there were 70 of them and they immigrated to Egypt.  Four hundred and thirty years later there were about two million or more descendants.  So many!

 This is beginning to sound like too many to count!  Even though Abraham didn’t see all of them, he still believed it would happen and it did because God was the One who made the promise.  By faith, Abraham believed it.

 God’s unshakeable promise to us is that when we believe in Jesus we will have everlasting life (see John 3:16).  There are many other promises that go with this too.  Put your faith in God and His Word.  They will be like an anchor to your soul, holding you firm and steadfast.

 Heavenly Father, it feels good to be able to trust You, knowing You always keep Your promises.  Thank You for this spiritual anchor especially when everything around us changes.  You are always the same so we can hang on to You, our unshakeable One.  In Jesus name we give You our thanks.  Amen.

                              ~ ERC  March 2024 ~

 Based on Hebrews 6:19 & 20; 11:8-29 and 2 Corinthians 1:20.

Sing, We Have an Anchor, along with Northern Baptist Association.


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