Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Inherited Promise (Hebrews 6)

 As you can see from a previous blog entry, God's Unshakeable Promises, the promise God made to Abraham came true.  Then it was passed down to Isaac his son, then to Jacob and his sons.  From just a few people they became about two million!

One particular son of Jacob named Judah, inherited the promise.  This is the tribe through which Jesus came.  Today, this tribe is called Jews.  There are about 15.2 million of them despite Hitler's attempted extermination of them during WWII.  Not to only pinpoint him, as bad as he was, as there were others who instigated pogroms throughout time to eradicate them.  However, can you see how God kept His promise to Abraham?

There's a fun song children have been known to sing in Sunday School, which goes as follows...

"Father Abraham had many sons,

Many sons had Father Abraham;

I am one of them and so are you,

So let's all praise the Lord!"

Similarly, all followers of Jesus Christ who have put their faith and trust in Him have inherited that promise God made to Abraham.  Abraham hoped to have a son and because of his faith and patience, he received him.  When we put our faith and hope in Jesus, we receive forgiveness of sins and everlasting life and become God's children (see John 3:16 & 1:12 & 13 NIV).

This is God's promise to us who believe.  He also promised us rest when we come to Him (see Hebrews 4:9-11).  When we follow Abraham's steadfast example, we can be encouraged to definitely put our faith and hope in God's unshakeable promises.

We can have sons and daughters-in-Christ when we tell out this message of Jesus to others, praying they too accept Christ through faith.  Together, we can sing the Father Abraham song again and again, praising the Lord with glad thankfulness.

Heavenly Father, once again thank You for keeping Your promise not just to Abraham but to his descendants as well.  In this we can gain some understanding that You will keep Your promises to us today so many thousands of years later.  Thank You for the faith and hope in You that we've inherited.  In Jesus' name, amen.

                                                 ~ ERC  March 2024 ~

Based on Hebrews 6:13-20 and Romans 4:11.

Sing, Father Abraham, along with Ministers Hub.

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