Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Priestly Blessing Verses (Numbers 6)

 The more I read the priestly blessing verses, the more endearing they are to me.   The words themselves don't change but I think of and feel the waves of emotion I believe could well have been a motivating force in perpetuating the nightly uttering of them.  At least I imagine it.

"The LORD said to Moses, Tell Aaron and his sons, This is how you are to bless the Israelites.  Say to them:  'The LORD bless and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn His face towards you and give you peace" (Numbers 6:22-27).

Combined, the verses plus the emotion, give wonderful impact, peace and purpose.  The name of the LORD gets put upon each and every individual Israelite from young and old, and they could potentially rest in peace throughout the night.  This knowing and being assured of the LORD's presence and that He is there for them.  Not only that, His face shines upon them (I like to think of, in acceptance of them) because His face is turned towards them.  His graciousness and peace would see them through the night.  What a wonderful nightcap with which to blanket them.

Seems very much like He loves them and has their backs.  What do you think?

No doubt Aaron being human despite being high priest, may have felt little to no emotion at a nightly ritual.  Maybe at times he could have sighed and said, "Not again.  I'm so tired.  Can't I skip a night?"

Yet, I also like to think that he did care for these often unruly and grumbling people and recalled God did choose them.  These are His people and they need encouagement and blessing too, no matter what.

Aaron was their go-between between them and God.  He couldn't let them down despite what his own personal feelings may have been.  God's graciousness needed to characterise him too.  He needed to get himself out and up before all that congregation of motley chosen ones and turn his face towards them and speak peace.  God was invisible but Aaron was the visible 'face-of-God,' so-to-speak, to these people.

I've mentioned it before but will relate it again.  One mission school I know of  strongly suggested each parent say this Numbers' blessing upon their child each and every school day morning before releasing their child to the day's study.

While the car engine warmed up, with the children seat-belted in, the mother I know of, would mostly remember to do so, even over the other children going to other schools.  Mostly, the children never complained about it.

Even now, years later, when this mother remembers, she will bless her children in her heart although they may no longer be at home.  She tries to rememhber to bless other children and people too, say in a Sunday School class or a phone call.

Everyone who loves the Lord can do this for others.  It is a way to show ones love and care for others who may well need the extra impact and income of peace and assurance in their life.  They may well need to know, that no matter what, the Lord still cares for them enough to turn His face towards them and shine upon them.

You could be the only link for them of one who cares and loves, demonstrating how God their heavenly father cares for them.  You may well be Jesus to them!

I rather like it when at the end of a service at church, one of the brothers gets up and says a benediction over us.  It feels wonderful.  It feels like having been hugged with unconditional love and care.

Find someone to bless with these priestly blessing verses today.  May the Lord indeed be gracious to one and all reading this.

Father God, Your blessings upon me are indeed comforting and reassuring.  Your graciousness really does give me peace.  To know and understand You care about me enough to turn towards me in accepting unconditional love is so encouraging and heart-warming.  I find it difficult to find and enough of the right words to give You thanks.  Just know, Father, that it is with great gratitude and thanksgiving I praise and pray in Jesus' name.  Amen.

                                                        ~ERC  March 2024~

Based on Numbers 6:22-27 NIV.

Sing, The Lord Bless You and Keep You, along with Sing and Make Music to the Lord and May the Good Lord Bless You, along with The Collingsworth Family and the Gaither Music TV.

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