Friday, March 22, 2024

Warning RE Good & Evil (Hebrews 5)


The past few Bible study nights our group has been looking at moral issues facing the Church.  The most recent topic was about the New Age Movement, which granted, may have phased out some nowadays, yet there are plenty of people who are still mesmerized by its lure.  We were wondering why even followers of Jesus Christ would be drawn in to it.

 It was reasoned that many of us just don’t know the Scriptures well.  Many, even long-time believers, don’t ‘eat’ from the manna of God’s Word daily nor do they ruminate upon it to discover and familiarize themselves with God’s will and ways.  Therefore, it is difficult for many to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil according to God’s succinct word and in God’s sight.

 Many Christians are still only drinking milk instead of chewing on meat.  Therefore, they do not mature in Christ and can be easily swayed away from the truth.  This is a sad affliction.  However, one does not have to stay in this uneducated, sickly state.

 God our Heavenly Father wants the followers of Jesus Christ to grow spiritually.  Perhaps reading only a verse or two and memorizing them at first.  Then learning and refreshing oneself with the stories of old like Noah and the Flood; David and Goliath and all the wonderful life of Jesus as you follow Him from town and village as He walked upon this earth, turning water into wine, healing the sick and lame and so much more.  Then move on to more difficult passages and topics such as baptism and the trinity.  

 As we read and understand and put it all into obedient practice there will be spiritual growth.  There will be more obedient and mature relationship with Christ.  Our walk with God will become more unshakeable with a greater sense and ability to discern the truth from the false teaching.

 This is an absolute must that God wants us to learn.  It is a wanting, a keen desire, to learn what God says is righteousness.  That which is righteous in HIS eyes and not the eyes of current society.  I’ll repeat, He wants us to know the difference between what is right and good versus what is evil in His sight.

 Regularly read God’s Word, understand it and obey it.  When you choose to follow the good and reject the evil, you’ve learned about, it shows that you are indeed maturing in Christ.  Be sure to hide God’s Word in your hearts so you won’t sin against God but also so you will know the truth that sets you free (see Psalm 119:11 and John 8:31 & 32).

 There will be less lure and going astray into New Age practices and any other such deception of the evil one.  Shoot for the truth.

 Abba Father, I want my walk with You in order to mature.  Help me to be diligent to read Your word and obey it so I can grow in understanding and to be capable with Your help, to differentiate between what is good and what is evil in Your sight.  I ask in Jesus’ name, amen.

                               ~ ERC  March 2024 ~

 Based on Hebrews 5:11-14, especially verses 13 & 14.

Sing,  I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life, along with Quiz Worx.

Reference:  Moral Issues Facing the Church - Lessons by Rob Harbison.

Check out this link:  Morality:  Social Issues Facing the Church - New Age Movement.


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