Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Nazirite Vow - Part 5 - Jesus' Disciples & Paul (Numbers 6)

 "The LORD said to Moses, "Speak to the Israelites and say to them:  'If a man or woman wants to make a special vow, a vow of separation to the LORD as a Nazirite, he must abstain from wine and other fermented drink ...'" (Numbers 6:1-3 NIV).

Jesus' disciples are thought to have taken on the Nazirite vow.  There is indication due to an incident regarding the apostle Paul.  Paul had taken the 'short-term' vow of 30 days.  It is assumed he had, that is, since such a vow involved the shaving off of hair at vow's end (see Acts 18:18 and Acts 21:20-22).

In Paul's trial before Governor Felix, his accusers, speaking with contempt, accused him of being a troublemaker and...

 "...ringleader of the Nazarene sect..." (see Acts 24:5-6).

We never learn if the disciples-turned-apostles ever ended their vows like Paul did.  Either way, there was faithfulness and dedication to their calling as seen from history by how each was martyred for their faith.  The exception was the apostle John who died a so-called natural death.  Although the Bible doesn't tell us, I say 'so-called' natural death, because he too suffered severe persecution, the torturing, boiling and battering of his body whilst on the Isle of Patmos, could have easily led to declining health and his eventual death.  

Even though Paul ended his vow, he did continue his ministry whilst in prison and up to his time of death.  Let each of us followers of Jesus Christ follow such examples.  May our genuine separation to the Lord honor Him.

Lord Jesus, may our lives and commitment to following You all our days honor and glorify You even if we are persecuted for our faith in You.  So many before us have faithfully done so.  May we too, in our day and age, follow suit.  We ask for Your help in so doing.  Amen.

                                                     ~ERC  February 2024~

Based on Numbers 6:1-21 NIV.

Sing, All the Way My Savior Leads Me, along with SE Samonte.

See also,

Nazirite Vow - Part 1 - Introduction

Nazirite Vow - Part 2 - Samson

Nazirite Vow - Part 3 - Samuel

Nazirite Vow - Part 4 - John the Baptizer

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