Thursday, February 29, 2024

Nazirite Vow - Part 3 - Samuel (Numbers 6)


"The LORD said to Moses, "Speak to the Israelites and say to them:  'If a man or woman wants to make a special vow, a vow of separation to the LORD as a Nazirite, he must abstain from wine and other fermented drink...'" (Numbers 6:1-3).

Samuel's story is always of great interest to me.  He is one who became a Nazirite due to his mother's vow.  He faithfully kept this vow all his life and became known as a man of prayer, as well as being a prophet and judge among the people of Israel.

His fault was not guiding his sons well.  Samuel appointed them as judges in Beersheba but they became corrupt.  Again, a warning especially to those of us who serve the Lord in any capacity but also in a more influential spiritual leadership role - don't neglect your children.

Sometimes we can get so caught up tending to others - think of this effect upon your children.  They can often come to believe you care more for others and even Your God more than for them.  Resentment against the parents and God can build up and the chidlren act up and/or turn away and you are left thinking, "Huh!?  What happened?  How could this possibly be?"

I'm not putting the full blame upon such parents as each of us must take responsibilty for our own actions.  I'm just saying, be cautious and considerate, don't be the one who causes another to stumble and turn away from following after the Lord and His righeousness.  God gave you those children and they are your responsibility.  Let's have sensitivity to their needs, emotionally, spiritually, as well as physically.  Don't embitter or exasperate your children (see 1 Samuel 1:9-10; 8:1-2 and Colossians 3:21).

Father God, You are the perfect parent, we earthly ones often fail and our children suffer because of it.  We humbly ask for greater wisdom, knowledge and understanding in governing and caring for our children and balancing our busy lives in futhering and caring for Your kingdom.  Help us not to neglect our children while tending to Yours.  Give us the strength to live in faithful commitment to you, staying true to our vows and to our children.  I ask in Your son Jesus' most precious name, Amen.

                                                  ~ERC  February 2024~

Based on Numbers 6:1-21 NIV.

Sing, Goodness of God, along with Bethel Music & Jenn Johnson.

See also:

Nazirite Vow - Part 1 -Introduction

Nazirite Vow - Part 2 - Samson

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