Wednesday, March 20, 2024

HIs Precious Jewel


Ten year old Fairy Girl was in tears.  She lamented, “No matter what I do I get scolded.  If I try to answer and defend myself they say I’m talking back and scold me.  If I just stand quiet and look at my feet, they call me a stone.  I hate it.  It is all because I’m a girl and all the others are boys and I’m supposed to look after them all and they don’t have to do anything!”

 And the tears flowed.

 “It really does sound unfair to you Fairy Girl.  I’m so sorry you have to go through all this,” said the Teacher as she hugged Fairy Girl.  “It must really hurt your feelings.”

 “Yes!” sobbed Fairy Girl.

 “It is quite an unhappy situation for you Fairy Girl and I can sense your anger too.”

 “Of course,” she hiccuped.  “I am angry but I don’t know what to do.  I don’t like being called a stone.”

 “Hmm.  This is a very hard situation but let me think about it,” the teacher replied.

 Because it was Sunday School lesson time, the Teacher carried on with the lesson.  It was about David and Goliath.  The teacher pointed out a comparison.  David was a shepherd boy - young, maybe in his teens.  He was quite good looking apparently and had strength, skill and energy to kill a lion and a bear, barehanded.  His weapons were a sling shot and five smooth stones for this new challenge.

 Goliath was a different story.  He was nine feet tall - likely as tall as up to the ceiling in this classroom.  He was a full grown man and an experienced warrior.  He had so much armor to protect his body; a sword, spear, shield and javelin.  Oh he was proud of himself and was rearing and ready to fight in his own strength.

 “How does this look to you Fairy Girl?  Oh and to you too, Krissy (the other student)?”

 “Is it fair?  Will it be a fair fight?”

 “No!” they replied.

 “It certainly does look unfair but you know what?” the teacher queried.  “David had a secret weapon.  Can you guess what it was?”


 “It was his fear and trust in the Lord.  He told Goliath, “I come against you in the name of the Lord!”

 "David didn't use his own strength like Goliath intended to do, but he used God’s strength.  He is so much more powerful than anyone or anything!  Did you know that?”

 The teacher continued the story…

 “David took up his slingshot and one of his five smooth stones, slung that sling around and let loose.  The stone hit Goliath in the forehead and he fell down dead.”

 “It was an amazing victory,” remarked the teacher. “It had been an unfair fight and it had looked like Goliath would win, but he didn’t because of David’s faith and trust in His God.  He used God’s strength.  He honored God and God honored him.”

A few days later, the teacher had had time to think and to see Fairy Girl again.  She told her, stones can be useful.  There are ordinary stones like David used and there are precious stones.  “Here, look at these images of precious stones on the internet.  I like these cornflower blue sapphires the best.  They are beautiful, like you Fairy Girl.  The next time you are labeled a stone, think of what David the Shepherd boy did with an ordinary looking stone.  Then think of these beautiful blue sapphire stones.”

 The teacher told her that these beautiful stones are called gems and they are very precious and expensive.  “You, Fairy Girl, are very precious to God.  He calls you His precious jewel.  He loves you and cares about you.  He actually knows all the unfair things that have happened to you.

 You can get through by using God’s strength.  We can pray that somehow He will sort out your BIG problem and help you in a surprising way.”

 “You don’t want to be throwing stones at anyone but you can ask for the Lord to help you to get through it all and even to resolve such unfairness and frustrations.  Trust, obey and honor God and He will honor you, Fairy Girl.”

 And so too, for each and every one of us reading this.  We each encounter maddening, irksome, unfair and depressing situations.  Come to the Lord and seek His help.  Go through your days declaring, “I’ll get through in the name of the LORD.  He is my strength and song.”

 Wait and see what surprising things He’ll do for you.  He makes all things beautiful in His time.  For now, remember, you too are His precious stone or jewel - beautiful, enduring, full of hope and strength. 

                                  ~ ERC  March 2024 ~

Based on 1 Samuel 17:50-53 and Malachi 3:16-17 (KJV).

Sing, When He Cometh, along with The N Crew.


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