Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Nazirite Vow - Part 9 - Cover Your Glory (Numbers 6)


If a fellowship offering is a celebration of God's glory, would a person who says he or she loves God, wish to outshine Him with their own glory?  When we connect the ending of a Nazirite vow and the fellowship offering of the shorn off hair at vow's end together, we can learn something remarkable.

The shorn hair is said to be dedicated to the LORD.  It gets thrown into the fire and burned up.

Hair is a person's glory.  Just think of the number of hours and the amount of money people spend in the beauty parlors around the world.  The way a person styles their hair makes a personal statement of identity.  It is their glory.

This is why I ask that when a follower of Jesus Christ goes into His presence to spend personal time with Him or even collectively, say at church, what is one's attitude?  Does one wish to let God's glory shine or one's own?

What I'm about to say comes directly from God's Word and therefore I am not targeting anyone.  If we are each in Nazirite Vow mode, so to speak, then we will humbly submit in obedience to God.  When we honor Him by our obedience to His Word, He will honor us (see 1 Samuel 2:30). 

To see a connection, look at 1 Corinthians 11:14 & 15 in regards to our own personal glory, especially for those of us who are sisters-in-Christ.  Actually if you read the whole portion you'll get better context; read 1 Corinthians 11:2-16.  Pinpoint verses 14 & 15 ...

"Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair it is a disgrace to him, but that if a woman has long hair it is her glory?"

If you skip back up to 1 Corinithians 11:6, you'll see further connection to a woman's glory.

"If a woman does not cover her head, she should have her hair cut; and if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved off, she should cover her head."

Such a covering covers the woman's glory in God's presence.  Additionally, it shows a sign of God's authority in her life and of the general chain of God's authority in any given believer's life.  The covering denotes one's submission to the Lord and His will.

Make careful note here:  It is submission TO THE LORD not to men.  In submitting to the Lord, all else should be in order according to our Heavenly Father's will.

I do not want to get into all the pros and cons people state in regards to this head covering issue.  Rather,  I'd like to direct the reader's attention to God's glory versus our own.

No doubt there are various opinions and emotions that go into letting God's glory win out in our lives.  How will you allow this to work out in your life?

Father God, I want to humbly bow to Your will and glory in my life.  No doubt there are many areas that need working on but please show me how to let YOUR glory win.  To win, even if it means to cover my sister-in-Christ head with that sign of Your authority in my life when I come into Your presence at home, church or wherever You lead me.  I ask in Jesus' name, amen.

                                                     ~ERC  February 2024~

Based on Numbers 6:18-19 and 1 Corinthians 11:14 & 15.

Sing, I Surrender All, along with Lydia Walker.

Links for further reading and connetion:

Nazirite Vow - Part 7 - Conclusion

Nazirite Vow - Grooming Your Hair - Part 8

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