Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Hidden Things Revealed (Hebrews 4)


Have you ever experienced coming home to find someone had broken into your house?  You see so many of your things strewn about cuz they had poked and dug around to find treasures.  What they didn't want, got thrown about in a disorderly mess.

It can be very disheartening and upsetting, even worse than what had actually been stolen.  You almost feel personally violated.  Things are no longer hidden - they have been uncovered and laid bare for everyone to see.

Our thoughts may well be that we are embarrassed because of those 'discoveries' and then turn to anger and you'd likely feel like shouting at those robbers and even punching them out if you got a chance.  After all, it is a shocking trauma to have had some stranger sifting around in our stuff.  How dare they!!  

This is rather like when God's "double-edged sword" gets to work on our "souls and spirits," "the thoughts and attitudes of [our] hearts" can become "uncovered and laid bare before His eyes" (Hebrews 4:12 & 13).

This is actually a good thing though:  convicting, embarrassing, making us uncomfortable and angry at first, but to have our merciful Father go to work on us is a kindness.

There are lots of hidden pains and hurts too that can be addressed besides our sins.

As we read God's Word - the sword - allow the Holy Spirit to help probe and poke around to find the lying and deceitfulness that may be present; the rebellious attitudes to be repented of; the sad thoughts and feelings from hurts and pains of abuse.

Invite the Holy Spirit to reveal these hidden things to us so we can repent and be healed.  We might as well confess it all to Him because He already knows what we are thinking and feeling (see 1 John 1:9).  When we do, our relationship and walk with the Lord will become stronger.  We will build greater trust in Him and be so thankful for it all.

Father God, there are often bad thoughts and attitudes in my heart.  I also have much pain from things that have happened to me in the past.  Please use Your double-edged sword to dig them up and even though it could be embarrassing, hurtful or make me angry, help me to heal of the pain and to repent of the wrongs.  Help me to go through all this as You walk beside me.  Knowing You love me, helps me.  I love you back.  In Jesus' name I give You my thanks.  Amen.

                                                  ~ERC  January 2024~

Based on Hebrews 4:12 & 13 and 1 John 1:9.

Sing, Christ Our Hope in Life and Death, along with Keith & Kristyn Getty and Matt Papa.

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