Thursday, January 25, 2024

He Gives Rest (Hebrews 4)


God has lots of antonyms.  He turned the curse into blessing.  He likes our obediences instead of our disobediences.  He doesn't want us to harden our hearts, rather to soften them to His care and direction.  There is unbelief versus belief in Jesus Christ, building trust in Him.

This blog entry will focus on God's rest, the antonym of which is unrest, which can translate further to chaos and disorder.  Jesus said,

"Come to me...I will give you rest..."

This does not mean our chaotic situations will magically morph to nothing.  In the unrest, at home, in the trauma of losing your home and possessions to fire or flood; a nasty divorce; family members constantly arguing, shouting and yelling at each other; or even accidents that badly injure you or a family member, you can still have peace and rest in your heart and mid.

"Make every effort to enter God's rest."

There is some double meaning here.  As stated above, we can have the peace of mind despite our circumstances when we rest in Jesus the Prince of Peace.  Another rest is to come to Jesus making Him your Savior and Lord.  This is especially essential that you find this rest.

To make every effort to do so, throw away all excuses and reasons that stop you from coming to Jesus.  Say, "YES!" to Him.  This is the biggest rest you can have.  Believe in Him through faith.  When you do, you will begin an unshakeable walk with God.

You will be able to tell Him all about your losses and hurts.  Jesus will never go away from you.  He will never hurt you.  He will always LISTEN to what you have to say.

When we find rest in our souls because of our belief in Jesus, we can have peace and order in our softened hearts.  We will not perish but live with everlasting life.

We can rest in Jesus even when bad things are happening in our lives.  Enter God's rest through belief in Jesus and walk with Him.

Heavenly Father, thank You for sending us Jesus the Prince of Peace.  In Him we find rest.  May our faith and belief in Him bring us peace with You and find rest in our troubled lives.  May we continue to live in You.  Help us to walk with Jesus every day.  In Jesus' name we ask.  amen.

                                               ~ERC  January 2024~

Based on Hebrews 4:6, 11 and Matthew 1:28-30.

Sing, I Will Give You Rest, along with Reggie and Ladyelove.

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