Sunday, January 7, 2024

Best Friend Relationship (Hebrews 2:9-13)

 Relationships can be tricky things.  Sometimes people do things even to best friends that rock and shake it.  It would be like a massive earthquake that shook so intensely that sometimes break  the friendship and it crumbles devastatingly into rubble.

This could happen among family members, church members, workmates, and so forth.  Yet, there is one relationship that no matter how great the magnitude of the shaking, will never sever the connection.

"God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering,"

and in this way,

"...bring many sons [& daughters] to glory" (Hebrews 2:10).

Our salvation through Jesus brings us into an unshakeable relationship with Him.   We are given everlasting life (see John 3:16).  This is totally unbreakable and unshakeable.

As in any relationship, to make it healthy and to maintain it, trust needs to be built.  As Jesus is the faithful One we can always trust Him even when our world shatters.

There needs to be honesty and respect.  Jesus is not a liar but are we?  One thing I really hate is when someone lies to me or deceives me or doesn't tell the full truth.  If we respect another we will have honesty and integrity in the relationship.

God already knows our thoughts so we might as well be open with Him and tell all.  This is part of communication as well.  A two-way street to complete the communication circuit.  I talk to Him and He speaks to me through His Word and with the help of the Holy Spirit's guidance and convictions.

Acts of kindness and words like "I love You" and "I forgive you" spoken sincerely help keep a relationship sweet.  God already demonstrated how much He loves us by sending Jesus to redeem our souls.  We can love Him back because He first loved us (see 1 John 4:19).

No doubt you can add more to the  "keep the relationship sweet list".  The emphasis here is our relationship with Jesus.  Know that He holds us fast, strong, firm and unshakeable.  As Jesus is the Truth we can always trust Him.  He loves us 100%.  Will you love Him back and work at growing your relationship with Him?

Show your love and gratitude by trusting and obeying Him.  Jesus is not ashamed to have you as His child.  In fact, you are the apple of His eye (see Psalm 17:8) and Zechariah 2:8). Think on that.  He is the best friend to have.

Jesus, it is so nice to know you care about us and make us the apple of your eye.  You have given us an unshakeable relationship because you know our human failings, that we would break it if you had not made it immutable.  You are so kind and gracious and the best friend anyone could have.  Thank You.

                                                 ~ERC  December 2023~

Based on Hebrews 2:9-13.

Sing, My Best Friend is Jesus, along with the ClarkFamMusic.

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