Thursday, January 4, 2024

Warning (Hebrews 2:1-4)

 Along with the promises of God about His unshakeable kingdom and message of salvation through Jesus, come warnings.  Here's one of them...

"We must pay the most careful attention ... so that we do not drift away" (Hebrews 2:1).

It is possible to drift away from the Lord and all we know about Him.  Therefore, we need to be on high alert, and pay attention so we do not put distance between Him and ourselves.

Drifting away implies a slow, almost imperceptible slide away from someone.  In this case, drifting away from our relationship with the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The how's and why's we drift away could be numerous.  There could be influence of the friends we keep; sports, disappointment with certain answers to our prayers or even because we feel God is not listening.  Or maybe there is some sin we are hanging on to but feel guilty about.  So we stop talking to Jesus who is Superior to one and all.  We stop reading God's word and going to church and other gatherings of believers.  Slowly, we drift away from Him.

Drifting away could be like getting into a row boat intending to paddle peacefully about for a while but because it is such a lovely warm day with a gentle breeze caressing your cheeks that you feel sleepy and lay back in the boat, and are rocked gently by the river's movement.  However, you fall asleep and drift farther and farther away downstream, but something suddenly jolts you awake to discover your predicamnet just as you are about to be released into the ocean.   You sit up and frantically try to row back upstream, all to no avail.  You panic and begin screaming for help.  Finally, someone in a motorboat discovers you and helps you get home.

"Paying the most careful attention" to not drifting away spiritually could entail making a commitment to not doing so in the first place, that no matter what, we would not let ourselves go.  We would commit to still reading, praying and going to services and Bible study and the like and to have fellowship with other brothers and sisters-in-Christ, regularly.  A commitment to seek the Lord and His kingdom first, would be of great help in keeping us alert to any potential slipping away that could occur.

It happens to the best of us so if we do drift away, know that all is not hopeless.  We can repent when we come to our senses like the prodigal son did (see Luke 15:11-32), about whatever caused us to drift in the first place.

We can shout out to the Lord, "Help!"  He hears our every cry, especially cries of repentance.  Get back to reading God's Word and obeying Him.  Talking to Him in prayer can help us get back into good and renewed relationship with Christ.  Go back to church.  Don't let years and years of indifference and drifting away happen.  Scream, "Help!" now.

Then when you feel peaceful calm and warmth in your soul, as if you are being hugged from the inside out, you are likely back from dirifting. the most careful attention to NOT drifting away.

You have been warned.

Father in Heaven, keep us cleaving to Your side through Jesus.  We do not want to drift away from You.  Help us to build relationship with You and be alert to anything or anyone that would mar it.  

We ask in Jesus' name, Amen.

                                                 ~ERC December 2023~

Based on Hebrews 2:1-4, especially vs 1.

Sing, O Lord, Close to Thee We Would Cleave, along with Metropolitan Tabernacle.

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