Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Fix Your Thoughts (Hebrews 3)


We have so many things on our minds that it can be chaos up in our heads betimes and we can become anxious, overexcited, angry and so on.  This thinking is like talking to yourself and it can be a noisy cacophony.

Yet no one else can hear it.  All that's going on inside even if it looks like a calm exterior.  True, there could be happy thoughts circulating, or thinking of a challenge you are eager to encounter.  Nevertheless there are the sad, or angry thoughts, perhaps even of wanting to get revenge on someone and if you don't stop yourself there could be dire consequences.  On the other hand, when a person fixes on thinking 'kind', acts of kindness could result.  This is a good thing, of course.  

When our thoughts are fixed on something we will often take a follow-through action.  Then people will know what we had been thinking about.  James and John's mother had been thinking of getting her sons into a VIP position.  She asked Jesus to let them sit beside Him in the Kingdom of God.  The other 10 disciples reacted in jealousy (see Matthew 20:20-28).

Most mothers think great things for their children.  Nevertheless, they and everyone else have to be careful how they think as by default domino theory, the thinking put into action could cause trouble for others.

It's good to be thoughtful about our thoughts.  Asking yourself, "If I do this, what could potentially happen next?"  I don't play chess but I've seen enough of others playing Chinese Chess to know the players must consider well, not just the current move but the next and next and next and so on, moves.  I think you get the picture.  They must 'fix their thoughts' on the moves to make and when and how.

Taking all this into the spiritual arena, note that Hebrews 3:1 implores us to,

"fix your thoughts on Jesus."


To start off, He is our apostle and high priest.  He is faithful.  He is worthy of greater honor than Moses.  He is the builder of God's house.  In fact, Jesus is the Son over God's House.  Jesus is in charge.

When we fix our thoughts on all of the above and more about Jesus, we will have our minds full of Christ.  These are healthy thoughts for us to have both spiritually and physically, not to mention mentally.  He will help us sort out our whirling minds.

As we fix our thoughts more and more upon Jesus Christ, we will think of his greatness and goodness.  We will think of truth, purity, excellent and praiseworth things (see Philippians 4:8).

We will recall Jesus is Superior to all, that He is in charge of God's House (we can let go and let God), and then we can grow an unshakeable relationship with Him.  Our thoughts will make us take good, positive actions like Jesus would do.  Talk to yourself about Jesus - fix your thoughts on Him.

Father God, we sure do wish to fix our thoughts on Your Son Jesus.  He is the builder of everything good, especially of your house.  Thank You for putting Him in charge so we can rest our minds, thoughts and hearts in His tender loving care.  He is indeed worthy of our praise and thanksgiving.

As you know our "spirits are willing but our flesh is weak" (see Matthew 26:41), we beseech You to help us fix our thoughts upon Jesus so that our actions will be what makes Him happy and reflect Jesus Himself.  In Jesus' name we give You our thanks.  Amen.

                                                    ~ERC  December 2023~

Based on Hebrews 3:1-4; Matthew 20:20-28; Philippians 4:8.

Sing,  Let Us Fix Our Eyes Upon Jesus, along with Christian Music Ministries.

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